Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Just a Flesh Wound

Yesterday evening, I gathered the ingredients to cook a batch of dog stew.  (If you haven't read the post where I told you about how I cook for my dogs, click HERE.)  I thawed and cooked the meat, then I chopped some liver and added it to the pot.  While this was simmering, I chopped turnip greens to add to the mix ... I use whatever green leafy vegetables I have on hand, and I was given some beautiful turnips on Sunday evening.

Combine a momentary lapse of concentration while chopping the greens with the fact that I keep my chef's knife razor sharp and ... you guessed it ... I cut myself.  I grabbed my paper towel to catch the blood,  and put on my glasses so I could see to assess the damage.  I had sliced the side of the tip of my left index finger very deeply, almost off, and I knew as soon as I saw it that I needed to go to the emergency room.

Our youngest daughter is an ER Tech at the hospital, and we were fortunate that she was working last night.

This is our daughter, preparing the tray of tools and supplies.

The physician's assistant initially thought that he could stitch the sliced section back into place.  After he numbed my finger and did a more thorough evaluation, he realized that the piece was not viable ... and my finger would heal well without it ... so he snipped it off.  As he was doing this, I was thinking of the classic line from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, "It's just a flesh wound."  (be sure to read that last part with a thick English accent.)

We headed for home at 10:30pm, three hours after arriving at the ER, with my finger in a large bandage and freshly-filled prescriptions for a pain killer and antibiotics in hand.

My husband and I had never seen our daughter at work, nor had we met any of the people she works with.  It was a little embarrassing to meet them under these circumstances.  What was even MORE embarrassing is that I realized when we were halfway to the hospital that I had left my stupid-temporary front tooth at home.  (I'm in the process of getting a dental implant to replace a loose crown, and I have a missing upper front tooth for the time being while the bone graft heals.  I told you about it in THIS post.)  While at the ER, I tried not to laugh or smile ... with my hillbilly/hockey player teeth.  :)

My finger hurts, but it definitely could have turned out much worse.  Drugs help, and I won't be driving anywhere for another day or two while I'm taking them.

This morning, I had to get right back to it and finish the batch of dog stew that started this.  Rest assured, I was extremely careful while chopping the rest of the turnip greens and kale. 

Here I am stirring the dog stew, trying to keep my bandage clean.

After I finished cooking, I got out my first aid supplies and replaced the large hospital bandage with one that is less cumbersome and is a bit easier to live with. 

Gauze, covered with vet-wrap (that I have on hand to bandage the dogs.)

I am very thankful that I didn't hurt myself worse than I did. That knife is my favorite knife and it is very, VERY sharp. Ironically, I keep it this sharp so it cuts easier and is safer to use.

My plans for this week, which initially included sewing and garden work, will have to change.  Without the use of my finger, I cannot sew ... and I have to keep this covered and clean and dry, so there will be no projects that involve dirt.

Here's a challenge ... as you are typing your comments, try to do it without using your left index finger ...
just like I had to do while writing this post.

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