Thursday, December 29, 2011

This and That ... Thankfulness

The sunrise this morning was beautiful and purple.  I stood on the porch with my Nikon and shot photo after photo, trying to get one that was just right.  Should have used my tripod, because the shutter speeds were pretty slow and almost everything I shot was blurry.  It was 25 degrees outside, and I wasn't in the mood to use a tripod ... but at least I got one good photo for my efforts.  (and I'm sharing it today over at "Show Off Your Shot") 

For the second morning in a row, I woke up after a full, restful night's sleep. I'm not sure why or what's different, but sleeping through the night has been a rare occurrence for a while now. Usually, I sleep for a few hours, wake up for some unknown reason, and struggle to get back to sleep. Two nights of regular sleep is a blessing not to be scoffed at, and I am thankful.

Our dog Daniel spent the night at our friends Kim and Andy's house last night.  Jim has one more day to go on the kitchen crown molding, and it was easier on all of us for Daniel to stay at their house for a sleep-over with TJ.  (see yesterday's post if you are new here and have no idea what I'm talking about.)  Kim texted a photo of Daniel to me yesterday evening, with him sleeping soundly on one of their dog beds.  "Sleepy puppy", said the message with the photo.  What a blessing it is to have friends who will rescue my dog from the source of his fear (nail guns), and keep him until his house is quiet again.

Speaking of TJ ... according to his quarterly vet check-up and chest x-ray, he is still cancer-free!  It has been eighteen months since his amputation, followed by six rounds of chemotherapy, and TJ is a happy, healthy boy.

This is TJ, with Oscar, at the Greyhounds Rock 'Take a Bite Out of Canine Cancer' benefit in November.

The guy from the propane company is coming later this morning to do the final hook-up on the heater in my greenhouse.  I worked out there yesterday afternoon, finishing the installation of the door, adding the last little bit of weather-stripping, and installing shelving to hold the roses.  It was a bright, sunny day, and the temperature in the greenhouse was in the high 70s ... shirt-sleeve weather.  Spending time in the greenhouse is a perfect way to survive winter.

I sure have a lot to be thankful for.
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