Sunday was a beautiful day to spend time outside visiting. We had three straight days of rain late last week, from the remains of Tropical Storm Ida, but yesterday was clear and sunny with temperatures in the 70's. The low angle of the autumn sun made for nearly perfect photography conditions ... I spent quite a bit of time trying to capture the artistic feeling of his garden and the surrounding woods and stream.
Dexter, the cat, was our companion throughout the day.
I started my album in May with a photo of Robert's barn.
It looked like this on Sunday.
The sky was clear with light clouds, creating the most beautiful reflections in Robert's pond.
The path around his pond provided some wonderful views of the path and the woods and stream beyond.
Colorful leaves glowed in the sunlight. Even the poison ivy was beautiful.

Cepheus, the kitten, followed and watched me from a safe distance. He's not too sure of strangers. Being the cat lover that I am, I wanted to scoop him up and give him a great big hug. Maybe I can once he gets more used to me.
I loved the view of the back of Robert's barn, with the fallen pine needles and metal siding.
More colorful details .... Beauty Berries, Climbing Pinkie and Climbing Clotilde Soupert roses, a lavender Clematis, and Hens and Chicks in a garden urn.
Sophie, the pug, watched us through the fence.
As the sun started to fade, it was time for me to say goodbye and head for home.
Robert gave me Phyllis Bide, a rose he rooted from his garden. I have one spot left on an arch in the Rose Field that will be perfect for it. Once the ground dries up a bit more here, I'll get her planted.
I can't think of a better way to spend a sunny Sunday than in the garden with a good friend. I hope your Sunday was just as nice as mine was.