Thursday, November 8, 2012

Have You Missed Me?

What a week it has been since I last posted!  So much going on ... all of which is totally positive.  Here's a quick overview to bring you up to speed.

You won't be surprised to find that I have been doing a little bit of thrifting ... and bringing home a few lucky finds.
I found these two large paint-by-numbers at Goodwill.  They are really well done, and the colors are lovely.

This set of Pronghorn antlers was a steal at one of my favorite shops! They are perfect over the bathroom door beside The Husband's paintings in our office.
This may be my best reuse of a thrift store item to date ... using an old silver-plated chafing dish holder as a plant stand to hold my Christmas Cactus.
Our Greyhounds Rock benefit last weekend was WONDERFUL!!  All our hard work paid off, and every part of the event went off perfectly.  (I will show more of this as soon as I get permission to use some photos ... I didn't take but a few, and most of them are lousy.)  Here's one I think you will like ... me and Fabien Cousteau, our Saturday speaker, having a bit of fun.
A part of almost every day is spent doing something with the roses.  Right now, I am concentrating my efforts in my basement workshop, where I have pots of cuttings sitting on shelves in the north window.
The cuttings are doing really well.  When Stephen Scanniello was here in September, he brought me  cuttings from 'Philadelphia', a rose he has that I have wanted for a LONG time. 
Four of the five Philadelphia cuttings have roots!  Earlier this morning, I planted each of them into individual pots.
Beautiful, healthy roots!
None of my summer cuttings rustled from "Mine Road Noisette" lived.  Some of them rooted, but the plants were weak and the last one died a few weeks ago.  I stopped by the mother plant last week and took some new cuttings.  (Fortunately, the road widening didn't take the rose, so it is still there to take cuttings from ... who knows for how much longer, tho.)  Part of studying unknown roses is to document them for possible future identification ... flowers, leaves, thorns, hips, etc.
I am working on my next project ... one that I have been anxiously waiting till this week to start ... making the drapes for our family room and dining room.  Sorry, no hints about this.  I will show them to you once they are hung, and I will give you a full tutorial as a token of my appreciation for your patience.
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