Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday Snapshot ... Watching the World Go By

The Family Room bay window is one of Alice's favorite places to sit keep an eye on whatever is going on outside.

She jumps over there from the back of a wing chair, walks across the window sill, and noses under the curtains.  The only clue that she's there is her fluffy big-girl tail hanging down.

We plan to take down the Christmas tree later today, while watching football games.


  1. What a lovely photo. So very cute of her tail to hang down.

  2. Very cute! Alice and Dorothy are adorable.

  3. ask me how much I hate taking down the tree. And guess how many people help me do it. Love that cat -

  4. I LOOOOOVE that picture!! So adorable! I de-Christmased the house today - it's very depressing :(

    I hope you had a wonderfu holiday!!

  5. What a darling photo. My cat, Frosty, lives at the window, but he does not have a pretty, fluffy tail like your kitty. I like the reflection of the tree in the window. BTW, I wrote to have your blog accepted ASAP. Hope it helps. Donna

  6. Aww she is so cute...your very own watch kitty!

    We still need to take our tree down...ugh!

    Kat :)


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