Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mockingbird, 2013

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mockingbird,

I am flattered that you find my roses to be a favorable place to set up housekeeping and raise your family.  The 'Schoener's Nutkana' you chose this year is strong and dense, and should provide good protection for you and your babies. 

It is natural for you to assume that your eggs were in danger while I was checking on them and taking their picture the other day.  I guess I should thank you for your restraint, since you only swooped down on me and flapped the back of my head with your wings.  Once would have been sufficient to get your message across ... doing it twice was not necessary.
I am expecting a lot of visitors in the garden this afternoon.  There will certainly be some of them who stop to admire your rose bush, since it is such a lovely, unusual thing.  They will be warned in advance of your nest and it is perfectly acceptable for you to watch them and issue warning cries from your perch on the power line overhead. Remember, though, that it is the roses that my guests are interested in, not your eggs, and please do not flap any of them in the head.
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