Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thirty Days of Mr. Rogers ... Day Twenty Nine

Mr. Rogers said, "It came to me ever so slowly that the best way to know the truth was to begin trusting what my inner truth was ... and trying to share it -- not right away -- only after I had worked hard at trying to understand it."

A friend saw this 1933 photo of our house on a Facebook page that she follows.  She instantly recognized it as our house, and she tagged me on the post.  I have never seen it before. (our house was 75 years old at the time)  

"You bring all you ever were and are to any relationship you have today."

Here is what the same view of our house looks like now.  

Me:  There is no greater gift to give than to let others see our true selves.  I have little patience for people who try to be something that they aren't.  Makes me wonder what else this type of person is faking.  Those who know me well know that I am fairly transparent ... what you see is pretty much what you get.  I have always been mostly this way, but I have tried to refine and distill away the extraneous parts of myself that didn't contribute to a happy inner self, putting both the positive and negative into perspective, and I'm pretty happy with the person that I am turning out to be.

During the month of November, I plan to share wisdom from Mr. Rogers with you each day (from the book "The World According to Mr. Rogers") ... Mr. Rogers's words accompanied by everyday images from life here at Hartwood Manor ... this place that I am blessed to call HOME.


  1. How very cool to have that old photo of your house!! I'd love to see what my house looked like (inside) when it was first built. Although it seems to me that I am restoring the old part of my house to the way it was then without knowing it!


  2. Oh how incredible to see that photo of your house! I'm loving that gingerbread up there around the eaves ....I wonder what those bushes were at the end of the walk there? Too, too cool Connie!

    What a gift it is to be truly happy with who you are. :) Hugs! deb

  3. In 1933 your house was just as lovely--I love the trim! But how cool and what a coincidence that your friend happened to see the photo, you must have been so excited to see it!

    As for Mr. Rogers, I'm enjoying his wisdom, and I'm right there with you on 'fake people.' and I am learning to trust my inner self more these days.

  4. What an incredible find your friend made!!!

  5. Both you and your house have, to use an overused phrase, "Good Bones."

  6. How wonderful to have that old photo of your house. Great old gingerbread trim, and dormer.

    Your house is really lovely even now.

    Happy holiday and thank you for this series you've done.


  7. How cool to discover another view of your FABulous house!
    One of these days Connie--I'll be knocking on your door for a private tour!


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