Ruby uses the dining room window as her spot from which to view the world. (She is up there doing that right now, as a matter of fact.) She perches with her back feet on the church pew below the window, her elbows on the windowsill, and she looks for bunnies and groundhogs and all other types of intruders.
For the past few days, Maggie has been enjoying the same windowsill for afternoon sunbathing.
I was fortunate to be sitting here with my iPad, so I could capture what happened yesterday while Maggie was snoozing in the sun and Ruby charged up there, thinking that she heard something in 'her' yard.
Maggie: What do you think you're doing? This is MY window now.
Ruby: We can share. I think there's a groundhog out there.
Ruby: (snuffle, snuffle, snuffle)
Maggie: (looks disgusted)
Ruby: back to guard duty.
Maggie: Stupid dog.
Crazy Furniture Project
1 day ago