Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday Snapshot: One Last Seedling

Every year, I gather some ripe rose hips and plant the seeds.  Most of the time, I don't get anything special to grow ... though I do have one really nice yellow rose in the garden that I grew from seed. 

Rose seeds can germinate in as soon as six to eight weeks after planting, or it can take months (or even years).  I planted this year's batch of seeds in February.  My flats of seeds have been sitting on my kitchen counter since then.  I haven't had a sprout for months ... this morning I decided to reclaim my counter and get rid of the flats.

When I took off the lids in preparation to dump the flats, I found this last little sprout.  It's a tiny thing ... no more than a day or two old.
This seed came from 'Frances Ashton', a dark pink, 5-petaled Hybrid Tea rose from 1937.
I used a fork to carefully lift the sprout and transfer it to a larger pot, and I put that pot in a protected place outside on the deck.  Then, I followed through with my initial plan ... I dumped the flats and I reclaimed my counterspace. 
Happy Sunday, Everyone!!
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