Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday Snapshot ... Breakfast ... and an iPad Question

On Sundays, I like to sit down to a better-than-average breakfast. This morning, I made my own 'country' version of Eggs Benedict ... Two scrambled eggs on an English muffin, topped with creamed chipped beef. (It's not the healthiest breakfast, but I like it and it's fine as an occasional treat.)

I took the photo of breakfast with my new iPad.  I wanted to produce this post entirely from my iPad, but I discovered that the Blogger web interface won't give me a button to upload photos. (so I emailed the photo to myself and now I'm doing this on my laptop.)  I had hoped to use the iPad to blog and share photos of our vacation later this month.  Do any of you blog using an iPad, or do you know someone who does?  Is there an 'app for that' that you recommend?

The weatherman is predicting storms for this afternoon, which should signal the end of this awful heat wave. It's another thing to be thankful for.

Happy Sunday, Everyone!
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