Friday, March 18, 2011

This was Supposed to be a Post About Pruning Climbing Roses ...

Yesterday was a perfect day to be in the garden.  The sun was shining (making a necessity of a thorough application of sunscreen moisturizer), we had temperatures in the 60s (16-18C), with a light breeze.  What a wonderful day to grab my pruners and other tools and head to the garden to work on the climbers.

Photo of Pink Perpetue from last year.

I started with the pillar roses on the Arcade, because they're the easiest for me and require the fewest decisions.  Working left to right, taking each rose in turn, I was making pretty good progress.  As I worked, I realized that this would make a good blog post (and a good section in my presentation on climbing roses).  I always have my little camera with me, so I pulled it from my pocket and took photos at intervals as I worked. 

Swan Lake, also last year.

At one point while working on Sombruiel, or was it Parade, I sat the camera down on the ground ... intending to pick it right back up.  As I stood up, I accidently put my knee onto the camera, and the retractable lens is now jammed.  The camera is 'stealth bomber black' and I just didn't see it sitting there.

Yes, Folks, I have destroyed another camera.  Here is the last photo it took:

This is what the base of Swan Lake looked like after I pruned out the dead, damaged, and puny canes.

I don't think I can repair this one, like I did when I broke the LCD screen on my last camera.  (Did you miss this story last year?  Click HERE to catch up.)  I guess I'll be camera shopping this weekend.  Until then, there will be no more impromptu photo opportunities, pulling a tiny camera from my pocket.  Instead, I will be toting around my Nikon DSLR, and treating it very gingerly.
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