Our weather this week here in beautiful Hartwood, Virginia, has been absolutely perfect! Sunny, breezy, warm-but-not-too-warm. Forsythia and Daffodils are in full bloom.
The photo is a clump of heritage double daffodils in our front garden, glowing in the sunshine and waving in the breeze. It does my soul good to have flowers in the yard, after such a long, cold, snowy winter.
I have been working to whip my English Garden into shape ... two days at it so far, and at least two more left to go. Weeding, pruning, mulching. Used up the first truckload of mulch, and I have a refill ready to go when I get back to it tomorrow morning.
I am tired, but it's a good type of tired ... the kind that comes from hard work doing something that I love to do.
GardenDC Podcast Episode 229: Mahonia Reexamined
4 hours ago