Tuesday, December 9, 2014


During November, while I was in the middle of my month-long series of posts about Mr. Rogers, two significant things happened here at the blog:

My one-thousandth post, and ...

This blog's SIXTH anniversary!

These rose-print Converse sneakers are my most recent favorites!

I am amazed, sometimes, to think that I have kept at this for so long.  Six years worth of gardens and projects, ups and downs, thoughts and dreams ... six years is a LONG time in blog years.

Ruby waiting patiently at the foot of the stairs, which don't look like this at all now that I have reassembled the railing.

NYC at Christmas.

You have been right here with me, helping to celebrate the arrivals of new family members and we have mourned some losses (both of humans and critters).

Spending time with the grandkids.

Ruby arrived in 2012, and Winnie has been here for almost a year.

Alice and Dorothy arrived in 2010, and my sweet Daniel left in 2013.

I think about how many people I have come to know and love through this little slice of cyberspace.  Some of you live nearby and have become real life, in-person friends.  Others live too far away, continents away in some cases, but the relationships with these folks are just as rewarding.

Making pendant lights for the renovation of The Shack.

Mystery rose that was given to me by a dear friend.

Along the way, I hope that you have learned a few things.  Whether it was general subjects like how to use tools, refinish and paint furniture, plant and care for roses, fun places to go on vacation, or something specific like how to break the news to your husband that you adopted a geriatric Chihuahua without asking him first, I've covered it.  

Chalk paint projects.

Adding walk-in closets to our master bedroom.

Winnie has changed so much since she arrived here!

I'm not a professional blogger, one that's driven by stats and page views, sponsors and ads, or contract commitments.  What you see here is real life and what I'm doing and thinking, as lived by me and the rest of the crew here at Hartwood Manor ... our little corner of rural countryside with the suburbs fast approaching ... this place that I am blessed to live and where I call HOME!

Hartwood Manor ... my largest renovation project ever.

Thank you for spending part of your day here, whether you are a regular reader, a newcomer, or you visit only from time to time, if you speak up and comment or read and move on without leaving a trace.  We are all given the same 24 hours to use each day ... I am grateful that you choose to share part of your time with me.

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