Sunday, February 23, 2014

Ruby and Winnie Go To Hollywood ...

... Hollywood Cemetery, that is.

The weather on Saturday was superb!  It was sunny, warm, and a perfect day to pack up the dogs and The Husband and head to Richmond to do some preparation for our Rose Work Day at the cemetery on March 15 ... that's only three weeks from now, and I have to visit and evaluate all of the cemetery's roses before then.  With The Husband's help, and Ruby and Winnie along for company, we made great progress!  Come with me as I show you a few snippets of our trip.

I wanted to get a good photo of Ruby and Winnie together.  Here we are trying to do that beside the Crenshaw Musk Rose.

"Sit, Ruby.  Good girl!"

I couldn't step out of the photo because Winnie (our boomerang dog) kept following me, and Ruby would go with her.

This is the best I could do.

Our next stop was Presidents Circle.  Maybe I could get some decent photos over there.  

Winnie can't follow me if I put her up on this bench.

Think again.

For as small as Winnie is, she is definitely a real dog through and through ... couldn't resist the lure of some really interesting smells.

 Sometimes, Winnie and Ruby enjoyed the smells together.

"Come on, Mom, let's go."

"Wait up, we're coming!"

After wandering the cemetery for most of the afternoon, squinting at the map and making notes, all of us were tired and ready to load up and head for home.  We had visited and evaluated 49 of the approximately 130 roses in the cemetery ... it was a VERY good day's work!

(Winnie's sweater is one that I made for her earlier this week.  The basic shape of it came from a pattern I found on Pinterest that I modified to fit her.  The yarn is called "I Love This Yarn" from Hobby Lobby, color is Gelato Stripe.)

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