It is difficult for me to muster up the energy to work on painting and furniture projects in the winter. My workshop is in our basement, which only has heat in two of the four rooms ... one of which is not my workshop. The temperature down there can get as low as the high-50s, and the floor always feels clammy and cold under my feet. Those aren't great conditions for applying paint. As a result, projects stack up and I end up putting stuff off till the last minute.
Add to this the fact that Winnie, our new dog, has only been here for two weeks and is still getting acclimated. She follows me everywhere, whining when I'm not in sight. We don't need to interact for her to settle in and relax, she just has to know that I'm close by. (We don't allow the dogs and cats into the basement ... there is just too much stuff down there for them to be safe without supervision.)
On Monday, I had an idea ...
I covered our dining table with a clean moving blanket, and I'm painting things up here for now. Winnie is here, though you can't see her there in her pink dog bed. She has completely covered herself up with her flannel blanket ... it's her favorite way to sleep. Maggie is here, too, in position on the table to be my quality control inspector.
This change of venue has been a great motivator. I have already distressed and waxed and reassembled a vanity desk, that I started last month and was languishing in the basement. A child's rocking chair and a director's chair frame are painted and ready for distressing and wax, and I am starting to paint the pieces of a large linen press (that's one of the doors that you see on the top of the table.)
All of this is in preparation for this year's Lucketts Spring Market in May. May is a super busy month for me, always crammed full of rose events. This is the case again for 2014, and I am trying to get as much done for Lucketts as I can ... well ahead of time this year.
Getting better organized, trying to work more efficiently, and clearing some of the stuff out of this place ... as Martha says, "It's a good thing."
Mason & Hamlin & Friend
2 hours ago