Friday, September 9, 2011

A Getting-To-Know-You Giveway.

One of the things I love most about blogging are the relationships that I have with my readers and with other bloggers.  This blogging hobby of mine has created a whole world of new friends, some of whom I know and most of whom I don't.

There's a lot going on here in Hartwood, and my blog reflects that.  It's been almost four years since I started blogging, with the intention of using it as a way to keep track of what was going on in the garden ... I never could keep up with a traditional garden journal, and blogging seemed like something I could stick with.  Stick with it I did, 450 posts now, and my little slice of cyberspace has evolved to be a pretty accurate reflection of who I am.  If something interests me, I share it ... and I hope it interests you, too.  I figure you know me pretty well by now.

We have a pretty close-knit group of regular commenters here, and I have come to know a lot about many of you.  Sometimes it seems as if I have a whole family that I never knew about until I started blogging.  Occasionally I find a comment by a drive-by one-timer, and I'm thrilled.  Lots of you read posts here each day without leaving anything behind to say you were here.  That's okay ... I do this a lot, too.  Many mornings while I'm reading blogs, I don't have anything profound to contribute.

The idea of this giveaway is to flush out some of my regular and not-so-regular readers so I can learn more about you.  I hope to use this info as guidance to find out about the type of posts that you can't wait to read, and which ones bore you to tears.  There may be something that you've been for me to tell you about, and I have absent-mindedly neglected to even mention it.  This is your chance to speak up.

Now about the Giveaway ... here's what you have to do: 

Leave a comment on this post telling me and the other readers of this blog something about yourself to help us get to know you


In the same comment, tell us something about what you most enjoy when you come here  OR offer a suggestion for something you'd like me to show you more of. 

You don't have to be a Follower, though I would love it if you were.  You don't have to post about this, or do anything on Facebook, or tweet or chirp ... a heartfelt comment is all it takes.   One entry per person, please.

In exchange, you will receive one entry in the drawing for a chance to win this lovely tray with hand-painted tiles.  I chose a tray with an autumn theme, a White Oak like the trees in our front yard.  (The tray itself is the color of dark mahogany, almost black, and the handles are brushed silver.)

The number generator will choose the winner from among the qualifying entries at 8am on Thursday, September 15.  (I will contact the winner via email immediately thereafter ... if your email is not visible in your profile, please considering doing so.  It will be a good thing for you, I promise.)

Thank you, all of you, for spending any amount of your valuable time reading what I write.  It is humbling to know that so many of you care about goes on around here.


P.S.  I'm guest-posting today over at Curly Willow DIY .  Run over there to see what I had to say.  (Blogger is misbehaving today, and poor Vicki had a devil of a time getting my post to publish ... poor Vicki.)


  1. Oh darn... you flushed me out! LOL

  2. I love to see your posts about your home and the posts on all the thrift shops/flea markets you visit :) One of these days I'll get down there and see those roses in person!

  3. I have felt like we have become friends here on your blog also! I love the posts about the house, dogs and gardens. Also your fun visits to flea markets! Well I just enjoy your blog! Something about me?? hummmm.....I tell most everything on my blog but here goes...I once worked at Woods Hole Oceanographic and knew Bob Ballard who discovered the Titanic! Cool huh? LOL! Hugs, Linda

  4. Hello Connie!

    I am a Minnesota artist and gardener of many years, trained by two garden loving grandmothers. Roses and Iris are my loves in the flower world. :0)

    I found your Hartwood Roses blog during the One World One Heart blogging event last February and pop in nearly every day now to read all of your interesting posts and view the beautiful images you include! The greyhounds and your excursions are wonderful and the roses and your home are gorgeous!

    And I wish to thank you once again for your fantastic help in identifying my little pink heirloom mystery rose (Scotch rose Double Blush Burnet)! Thank you ever so much!!!

  5. Hi Connie, I love your blog because it is so upbeat and friendly. Where do you get the energy to do all the things you do. As for me, I am a retired jewelery salesperson (among other thins things) and spend my days in the garden, One of my careers was as an Air Force officer. Look forward every day to reading your blog. Ellie

  6. Hi! I've been flushed too. I am part of a small partnership that runs a shop called Serendipity Vintage Furnishings. Most of us are long time friends with some new ones tossed in and we specialize in revamped vintage furniture and decorative items. I love the roses and am anxious to see how your porch is going to evolve. Your visits to markets and thrift shops also have me hooked!

    And I adore the tray!!

  7. Well, I do read you regularly as I'm still learning about roses, so those are my favorite posts. Something about me? Well, I am very unorganized and drive my husband crazy (Mr. Organization!).

  8. flushed out from just reading your blog! I enjoy everything you write about - from Luckett's to tiling your bathroom floors and all in between.
    I love gardening and I was a chemist in a 'previous' life:)

  9. Hi Connie! I love reading about your roses, your propagation experiments & techniques, and the restoration/transformation of your home. Everything is fun and positive, and a bright spot in my day. I would love to learn more about antique and native southern roses.

    About me: I am a 20 something, almost 30 something single girl in TN. I am an artist (stained glass), but have recently shifted gears to a more steady paycheck. Thanksgiving I am moving into my great grandmothers cottage house, and you blog has been a great fit for me as I plan how to tackle the garden and the house!

    Happy Friday :)

  10. I"m so glad that I'm getting caught up with my blog reading in time to put my name in the hat.

    Let's see.... about me: Of course there is a lot on my blog about the adventure that DH and I have ahead of us moving to Virginia. But something that my blogging friends don't know about me is that I took our four sons traveling each summer in an RV for 5 weeks each year. DH would join us for a week but had to work for most of the trips while we roamed the country. After 7 years, we had been to 48 states and then continued for a few more years until they all filtered off to college.
    I enjoy your photography!!! Lovely shots! Found the blog by searching for blogs about Virginia and have stuck around!

  11. I am new to reading your blog, but I love all things about historical homes and projects for improving them. I hope that you will share about what you are working on as well as perhaps some of the beauty of the area that you live in. I have visited Virginia (beautiful homes) and live in Florida myself (not as beautiful homes).

  12. What fun to discover you! I'm in NC, so I figure your roses would grow here, too.

    I think I've written 475 or so posts, so I'm pleased to meet you, Connie! I had no idea I'd write that many, especially since most of them are about the every day funny side of life. I suppose I'll keep on as long as it's funny. :)

    The tray is lovely! I'd be pleased to find a place for it!

    PS. Watched your video of Daniel and almost had to take a nap afterwards. WHEW! The energy!

  13. I am a mama to many four-leggers who make my world go 'round! They take up mucho space on my blog! And I mix in a little about two-legged humans :)

    I love your old home; I live in too!
    And I have learned sooo much about roses, that I actually was able to join in a *rose* conversation last night!The person asked me what I grow after our little chat. I don't. But, I have a friend who does!
    And oh, those gorgeous Greyhounds!
    They also have taught me much about a canine breed I knew nothing about!
    Blogging is educational!!
    xo, misha

  14. Well, Connie, I love everything you post! Everything! Your photos make me drool, which does get rather messy, but I can use a burp rag.

    You know I'm never hidden. LOL!

    PS: Not entering. Your blog is gift enough.

  15. I love your beautiful photos. The roses, your house and your antiquing ventures.
    I've recently moved to SW Virginia from NJ. Starting my whole life over again. And I'd love to start a blog of my own someday.


  16. I love reading good blogs - it's like reading a book for me. I love hearing about other people's hobbies and lives and crafts.
    And considering you don't live that far from me, I find it even MORE interesting.
    Oh, and I do love the first experience with roses was that my mother's name was Rose. And we always had roses in the yard in NY.
    That tray is amazingly beautiful. It looks like a lot of the leaves in MY yard - my over 100 Oak tree filled yard!

  17. I always enjoy reading about your dogs and your work with greyhounds. I also enjoy the projects you have going on at the house. Actually, I enjoy all your posts!

    Something about me, hmmm... I have finally decided what I want to do when I grow up! I want to have a hobby farm! Little by little, I'm working on that dream!

    Thanks for a lovely giveaway! That tray is gorgeous!

  18. I am a Culpeper gardener with only one forsythia in my pot ghetto. I still remember the first time I met Connie and she had the most beautiful pot ghetto, I hope to one day as well. The stuff I try to propogate tends to die. I am not very good at it but I love to try and seeing other peoples successes.

  19. I visit your blog almost everyday, and even came to see the rose farm in person. I love to read about the roses, the house, and the dogs.I'm inspired by your practicality, enthusiasm, and creativity, and feel a bit of a kick in the butt not to procrastinate. Thanks for sharing your successes and the failures.

  20. Hi Connie! What a neat idea for a post! It's fun getting to know our blog friends this way. :) Hmmmm....I first started following you because you are so darn smart when it comes to gardening, and I'm always looking to learn more about how to make my garden healthier and more lush. :) So, thank you for that, girlie! I love hearing your tips and seeing your awesome gardens...not to mention your house (which I would love to see more of) and the towns around you.


    xoxo laurie

  21. I found your blog just searching for blogs on gardening. Roses are a favorite, so reading your blog and learning more about them has been fun. I also live in an old house that we have been in the process of remodeling for almost 30
    years(I am forever wanting to change something). Looking back I wish it had been a restoration, but at the time we were young and really couldn't afford to "restore". The stories of our journey with this old house would fill volumes. I am an accountant working in a windowless office for much of the week, so what free time I have is spent in the garden or reading about gardens.

    Sue Ellen

  22. Dear Connie, How generous of you to make this offer. I feel the same as you about the friends I have made through blogging. And I have learned so much about gardening from reading blogs, including yours. I don't think you can improve upon your postings!

    Something about me -- I love giving tea parties ... hint! hint!

    P. x

  23. Hi Connie! For the others that don't know, my name is Ron S. and I live in Geneva IL, a suburb 30 miles west of Chicago. I share and understand the joy that Connie has for her wonderful historic home. I had the pleasure of spending time at Hartwood Manor in the '70s when my Aunt and Uncle lived there. As a kid, it was fasinating visiting this home & farm during the summers. And yes, it has left a lasting impression on me because of how special this place was and is. Connie and her family are so fortunate to have found Hartwood Manor and what they have done to it is just amazing. Connie, I will say it again, "You are AMAZING with all you do". Thank you for sharing your life and the restoration progress to your home and gardens.
    Something about me.....I've always dreamed of owning Hartwood Manor and turning it into a Bed and Breakfast Inn.

  24. I love seeing the things you pick up at flea markets. I really want to get a chest for my bedroom because of you!

    Something about me? I'm Jen, a 20-something living in Vermont and trying to knit and crochet through her yarn stash this year. So far, it's not going so well!

  25. I was lucky to meet Connie in person at the Garden Show in Charlotte a few years ago. What I admire most about her is that she seems so productive! Roses, greyhounds, antiques, home improvements. I get tired just reading her blog sometimes.

    I'm trying to get my focus onto one or two hobbies that I enjoy. I still love my roses, but the darn weather will not cooperate. And I've got a bad ankle that's been hampering me for awhile.

    So I've embarked on a quest to scan all of my pre-digital camera negatives into the computer. I bought a special scanner that does slides and negatives. It's a bit of a chore, but I have to say that I enjoy reminiscing while loading in the photos. Some of the negatives are in bad shape, but that has made me dabble into photo editing,and I have to say that I'm getting good at it. At least cleaning up dust spots and scratches.

    I am also taking the time to really learn how to use my camera and I hope to combine this new hobby with my love of roses and get some great photos of them.

    One of these days I will make it up to Hartwood.

  26. I come for the variety of topics, but the roses and greyhounds mostly. I have worked as and architect of building, not landscaping as most think. The landscape design was a hobby that 'grew' into a profession.

  27. I have been blessed with cuttings from our former church that rooted and have produced more cutting material. This year, two of the four cuttings are vigorously growing but that creates a new problem. We have deer that visit and browse, of course roses are delicacies for them. How to make beds and supply adequate space so we can enjoy the glorious red blossoms of an unknown variety without having new growth and flower buds nipped off. We even had the squirrels taking flower buds just opening and consuming them ala carte. Fencing is out of the question due to restrictions in the residential community we live in. Plus, our age is limiting the construction of raised beds or other enclosures to restrict the wild life activity.
    I discovered you on Paul Zimmerman's site.
    Robert @

  28. I discovered your website while browsing ways to root roses.

    I love antiques and enjoy seeing other people's renovation of older homes. I love historic homes but do not live in one. Renovation is something I enjoy reading about but am too chicken to try!

    I enjoy reading about your Greyhounds and the rescue group you belong to. I have 3 dogs and two are from rescue groups.

    My husband got a wild-hair and put in a rose garden. I planted one side and he planted the other. My side is doing better. lol. But at least he has an interest. I do "work" on his roses but this summer has been brutal on all our plants.

    I'm interested in seeing what roses will survive the (unfortunate) extreme heat here in North Texas. I am working on amending some soil for another flower bed and I'm scouting for roses! I enjoy your rose pictures and info.

    I also enjoy reading about your shopping adventures and other activities. It's always fun to "visit"

  29. Since I'm a new follower to your blog, I don't know what to say in regards to what I would like to see more of -- what I've seen so far is very good. I'm a big fan of critters, so if you can post more about your greyhounds, that would suit me just fine.

    As for me, I'm an insurance fraud investigator turned farmer (in 2006), I love photography with my D90, love my German Shepherds, love my hubby and my two grown boys.

    Love the tray!! :)

  30. Hi Connie - I've been a follower for a while and enjoy your dog and thrift store adventures posts best.
    I'm a fellow Virginian, living in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains of southwest VA where I raise rare breed horses and sheep. These days, I'm getting ready for colder weather and winter.


Thanks for stopping by and reading what I share. Comments are welcome and very much appreciated. Spam and trolls are not!

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