Today's weather has been cool (in the 70s), breezy, and perfect for working as long as it takes to finish the last little bit of the mixed rose border in our front yard. Remove the weeds and rogue grass that had taken over the space, dig and set the edging stones, install landscape fabric, plant roses, add irrigation emitters, then mulch. Sounds like a lot, and it was.
After I'd been at it for a little while, I remembered to take my phone out of my pocket to capture a photo to show what the area sort of looked like before I started.
I ran out of steam at about 4:00 this afternoon. The only thing on my list that I didn't get to was the mulch and a couple of quick pieces of landscape fabric. This is the easy part, and my husband said that he will do it for me tomorrow. He's such a sweetheart!
I'm thrilled that this border is so close to being finished, AND that I have four more roses out of their pots and into the ground! They're really small now, but they will grow big and strong in no time.
Because I know you're going to ask ... the new roses are:
1. 'George Cuvier', Bourbon rose, before 1849.
2. Unregistered Yellow Seedling, a back-up copy of a rose that I grew from seed.
3. 'Fabvier', China rose, 1829
4. "Ruth's Tiny Polyantha", found rose from the Tufton collection.
(the rose on the fence is 'Dr. W. Van Fleet'.)
All of my reclamation efforts for the past few months have been well worth it, because the roses in the areas I've worked in look so good. The most important thing is that I am doing this for ME and, as a result, I am enjoying my garden more than I ever have before.
February 21, 2025: House Shares & Chit Chat
21 hours ago