Friday, April 27, 2018

What's Blooming in the Garden Today?

After a few false starts, it appears that Mother Nature has decided to release us from winter's grasp and allow spring's flowers to proceed. 

Red Bleeding Heart

White Bleeding Heart

Just in time, I think, because I am SO far behind with my normal spring pruning and garden maintenance.

Variegated Solomon's Seal

Brunnera macrophylla

Part of this delay is because we had winter weather for a lot longer than usual this year.  Those of you who follow along on Instagram are aware that I have been traveling a LOT this year, which has taken me away during prime garden prep season.  Trips are finished for a few months (I think), so I have to get cracking.

Pink Lily of the Valley


I was outside all day yesterday, pruning most of the Miniature Garden.  Roses in all of the other gardens are finished.  We had rain overnight, which made the garden too wet for work this morning ... perfect, though, for a quick circuit through with my camera to capture all the things in bloom.  Later this afternoon, I hope that it dries enough for me to get outside to prune the last few roses.  Weeding and mulching are next.  



Speaking of roses, buds on 'Dr. E. M. Mills' are beginning to show color! 

For those who want to visit to see the roses in person, this year's Open Garden Day will be May 20, 2018, from 10am to 3pm.  Everyone is invited.  Dogs may come, too, but they must be on a leash at all times.  No flexi/retractable leashes are allowed.  


  1. You're about two weeks ahead of us in the blooming. Our forsythia has just dared to bloom.

    1. It's going to be an interesting spring. Roses are late, Forsythia and other spring flowers were pretty much right on time. Frost this morning. It's a rollercoaster.

  2. Glad to see a post from you and to see what is blooming in your late spring. Favorites, the dogwood blooms and the lily of the valley.

    I think of you when 'Ruth's Wavy' and the 'Cemetery Rose' bloom. They are a delight. I've missed posts from you.

    Happy Spring gardening ~ Looking forward to seeing photos of your beautiful roses in bloom. :-)

    Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

    1. I have missed being here, too. I follow along with my favorites, you and some others, but I rarely take the time to speak up. I often think of you and your wonderful garden.

  3. Hello Connie,
    So happy Spring finally decided to show up! Beautiful photos and I am looking forward to coming to see your rose garden in May.
    Janet xx
    The Empty Nest

  4. Here in Maryland the lavender Bleeding Hearts and the white ones are blooming. They are so beautiful. The pink dogwood is just about ready to pop out in bloom. The tulips did bloom. Pear trees have bloomed and the wind has been so strong here, the blooms were blown off. We have pulled the weeds and put the mulch down. The flower bed in the raise flower garden around the pool area will bloom later. The Bachelor Buttons have just about taken over there. We have some mixed plants in there and some are wild flowers. I am praying they will come up but our winter was so bad this year, I afraid that a lot have died. I love looking at your beautiful gardens. I lost one of my rose bushes. Here is hoping you can get back to your gardening soon. I think of you often, Connie. It is such a joy to see how well you have taken care of the home place. God Bless you.

  5. So beautiful. The Red Bleeding Hearts are gorgeous. Lilacs are one of my favorites for their incredible scent... I just planted one last week! Wish I lived in the same time zone and could make it to your open garden. I'm sure everything will be at their peak!

  6. Yep, you're several weeks Bleeding Hearts are barely breaking ground, and I haven't seen a bud on any rose at all; in fact, most are just beginning to leaf out.


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