Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Ladies of Greyhounds Rock at the Princess's Wedding

My friends decided to wear hats to our daughter's wedding.  One of them explained it to me like this, "The Princess is getting married, so we all MUST wear hats."  And they did.  After the ceremony, while the photographer was taking her pictures, they made me go inside and get a hat for myself so we could have our picture taken together.

I thought you might enjoy seeing this.

I'm off to Maryland today, to visit with our dear friend Kat.  We'll do lunch and hit a few shops ... both of us REALLY need some girlfriend time right now.

(If you're having issues uploading photos today, I found a work-around posted on the Blogger Help Forum.  When you want to insert a photo, click on the 'Edit HTML' tab and use that photo uploader to insert your image.  After it loads, you can click back to 'Compose' mode to continue.)
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