Thursday, May 17, 2018

Wine and Roses Open House at Tufton Farm

This Saturday, May 19, the Thomas Jefferson Center for Historic Plants, at Tufton Farm in Charlottesville, Virginia, will hold its annual Wine and Roses Open House.  I was there for most of the day yesterday, consulting with staff, evaluating the roses in the garden, and helping to prepare for this weekend's event.  

Most of my time was spent organizing the roses in the nursery sales area.  There is a great selection of roses, most of which are rarely available except for via mail order.  

The roses available for sale are:

'Amanda Patenotte' (aka, "Portland from Glendora")
'Aviateur Bleriot'
'Baltimore Belle'
'Blush Noisette'

'Blush Noisette'

"Bremo Musk"
'Cecile Brunner'
'Climbing Cecile Brunner'
'Champneys' Pink Cluster'
'The Fairy'

'The Fairy'

'Felicite et Perpetue'
'Fewell's Noisette'


'Gruss an Aachen'


Lady Banks, White
Lady Banks, Yellow
'Madame Plantier'
'Marie Daly'
'Marie Pavie'

'Marie Pavie'

'Mary Washington'
Single Musk (R. moschata)


'New Dawn'
'Old Blush'
'Climbing Old Blush'
"Peggy Martin"
'Pompon de Bourgogne'

'Old Blush'

'Climbing Old Blush'

"Peggy Martin"

'Pompon de Bourgogne'

Prairie Rose (R. setigera)
'Pride of Washington'

'Pride of Washington'

'Princesse de Nassau'
'Redoute's Red'

'Redoute's Red'

'Rosa palustris' (Swamp Rose)
'Rose d'Amour'
'Temple Musk'


Here is the event flyer, with the schedule of activities.  This year's rose speaker is my friend Peggy Cornett, Curator of Plants at Monticello.

I can't be at the event this year and I'm seriously bummed about it.  

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