I thought I had this tendency under control ... the overwhelming inability to resist the lure of an awesome sink. It's been years since I added one to my stash. Perhaps it was the stress of having too much going on at once lately, or maybe I underestimate the depth of my problem ... but, whatever, yesterday I caved.
This was the listing photo in the Craigslist ad. "Sink (cast iron) $50". It is exactly the type of sink that I was looking for when we were planning the renovation of our basement bathroom. (My husband balked at the utilitarian look of this type of sink, and we ended up with a sink/vanity combination that is a lot more civilized. It looks lovely, but my heart still ached to have a sink like this.) The seller assured me that almost all of the discoloration in the photo was dirt and gunk.
I made arrangements to meet yesterday afternoon to see the sink in person. When I called to say that I was on my way over, the seller was on his way out and only had a minute to wait. City traffic, and one minor wrong turn, and I was late. Seller called to tell me that he had to go. He left the sink on the curb and said that I could just have it if I wanted it. (I should have taken a picture of it sitting on the curb, but I didn't.)
Cast iron sinks are heavy ... way too heavy for me to move by myself. At that moment, a helpful-looking college-aged lad walked by. Turns out that he WAS very helpful.
When I got home, I gave the sink a not-so-quick cleaning with an abrasive pad and some cleanser. Hard-water deposits were scraped off with a single-edged razor blade. There's still a lot left to do to get the bottom of the sink clean and relatively stain free, but I can see that it's going to be just fine.
Where am I going to use this new sink, you ask? I have no earthly idea. We already have the aforementioned nice sink in the basement bathroom. None of our three remaining still-to-be-remodeled bathrooms are appropriate for something like this. Maybe the laundry room, but we installed a new sink in there last year, and I'm not removing it just to have a place to use this one. The redo of our Shack is a possibility, but I already have an awesome 42" vintage drainboard sink stashed away to use for that.
It doesn't matter, really. Eventually the perfect use for this sink will become apparent. Until then, it will rest safely in our garage ... keeping company with rest of my hoarder's stash of sinks in there.
(If you want to see the post from 2010 about the final reveal of our basement bathroom renovation, click HERE.)
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