Friday, February 28, 2014

This Week's Snippets

This has been a very quiet week.  The Husband left for a business trip on Monday, returning late on Thursday night, which meant that I had the house all to myself for most of four whole days!  

I spent the mornings at the sewing machine, trying to design a better mousetrap ... i.e., a custom designed doggie-carrying sling bag.  This is Version #4, which I finished this morning, and it is almost perfect.

The design is based on a bag that I bought at a local dog boutique a few weeks ago.  That bag was okay, but it needed to be a bit deeper to hold Winnie in more securely, with a better system to adjust the strap, and pockets for change purse, cell phone, etc.  As you can see from the photo above, taken in the mirror on the wall beside our front door, this bag meets with Winnie's approval.  She's completely relaxed and happy in there, and I can't wait to get out and give it a real 'road test'.

I brought my sewing machine downstairs and have been sewing at the dining table, instead of upstairs in my sewing room.  The windows in the dining room face west and south and the light in here is really good.  The sunshine today was very much appreciated as I worked, because the outside temperature has been below freezing all day.  Dorothy was soaking it in, too.

That shoebox has been on the windowsill for at least two years.  Dorothy claimed it when I unloaded the shoes that came in it.  She is in there at least part of most every day, and I don't have the heart to get rid of it.  At least it's plain brown and sort of blends in and isn't TOO obvious.

We had the weirdest snow storms on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Each morning, it was snowing when I woke up ... and the snow continued till around noon, amounting to a little over an inch each day.  Then the sun came out and all of the snow was melted and gone by dinnertime.  Both days.  

This photo was taken on Tuesday, and the view was exactly the same on Wednesday.

We had what could have been a very scary thing happen when I was in the backyard with the dogs after they had their dinner on Thursday evening.  Ruby was off sniffing stuff, probably trying to find rabbit poop for dessert, and I was following Winnie as she trotted just ahead of me looking for the perfect spot for her 'business'.  Out of nowhere, a Bald Eagle did a low fly-by over the yard, probably checking out the situation and deciding whether to attempt to have Chihuahua for dinner.  Winnie must not have been easy enough pickings with me right there, and the eagle continued on its way.  I have never and would never leave Winnie outside by herself, and this was a reminder of a big reason why this is important.

I caught this photo of Winnie earlier today, all folded up in a fleece blanket on her dog bed.

Winnie has been here for five weeks now ... such a short time according to the calendar, but I can't imagine the place without her now.  Hard to comprehend how I have fallen head-over-heels for this little dog.  Me?  I'm a big dog person ... or so I thought.  Winnie is a big dog in a tiny body, so it's all good.  No matter what her size, she is perfect for us.

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