Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Happens at a Greyhounds Rock Planning Meeting.

Our Greyhounds Rock greyhound gathering is less than two weeks away.  (All of the work involved with this is the main reason why I'm not posting here quite as often as usual lately.)  We held our final planning meeting with all of the committee members on Sunday.  I thought you would like to see a bit of what one of our meetings looks like.

TJ, listening intently to the discussion.

Many of the committee members bring their dogs along to the meeting.  We sat in Gale's family room, making notes and checking off our lists, while the dogs lounged on dog beds ...

Evey (brindle), Denny (black), and 13-year-old Dory.

... or played with toys.

Action shot of TJ killing a stuffed gorilla toy.

Scrunchie looked like she had something to add to the discussion.

Then she and Denny settled down to patiently wait till we finished.

After we finalized the schedule and all of the volunteer assignments, it was time to go into the living room and stuff the goodie bags.

Scrunchie, TJ, and Evey want us to think that they're waiting to help ... but we know that they're scheming a way to get the cookies that we put into each bag.

It was a long day for both dogs and their humans.  We ate ourselves silly (all Greyhounds Rock meetings are also pot-luck feasts), and we enjoyed the time we spent working out the final details of our event. 

Scrunchie couldn't keep her eyes open any longer.

On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, October 29, 30, and 31, at least 100 people and their dogs will gather to hear educational speakers, shop vendors with dog-related merchandise, and party to celebrate their dogs and to raise money for a good cause ... research to hopefully one day find an effective treatment for canine cancer.  There's still time to register and attend.  If you cannot travel to Fredericksburg for the event, donations are gratefully accepted.

Visit the Greyhounds Rock web site for complete information and the schedule of events.
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