
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Big Green Cupboard Is Home!

The disorganization in my basement workshop has reached a crisis level.  As we have worked on other basement projects, we have absolutely trashed my once-organized workshop.  Some of it was necessary, because we had to clear out a wall to do the plumbing work for the bathroom, and we cleared things again to repair the plumbing leak in the ceiling of the workshop earlier this year.  Things weren't put back properly either time.

It is to the point where I practically have to play 'Where's Waldo' to gather the tools and supplies to do any sort of project.  I needed more storage space, and the big green cupboard in the basement of my in-laws' former house is one solution.

I first introduced you to this cupboard in THIS post from February.  My father-in-law built it out of 3/4" plywood, and it is heavy, heavy, HEAVY.  In order for The Husband and I to carry it out of the basement and load it into our truck, we first took off all the doors.

It was still heavy, but at least it we could lift it like this without hurting ourselves.  Here it is loaded into the truck for the trip to its new home.

We have the perfect place for it along the back wall of our basement workshop.  It fits right between some pipes in the corner and the edge of the window ... almost like it was made for this spot.  We raised it off the floor with bricks and shims, and screwed it to the wall ... so it won't fall over and crush someone.

The cupboard is 6 feet high and 5 1/2 feet wide.

Look at all this space!  Now, imagine it filled with bins of screws, and scrapers, and all sorts of other tools and supplies.  A place for everything, and everything in its place ... that's what I'm aiming for.

Now I don't have an excuse to avoid tackling this.  (Viewer discretion is advised ... this next photo is may be upsetting.)

I will work at it a little at a time, and eventually I'll get the place whipped into shape.

Wish me luck.


  1. Hi Connie, I could use five of these big cabinets to hold all my junk! This is great for all your tools and such. Thanks for joining the Open House party this week.
    ps: Love the stained glass window!

  2. LOVE it!.. but the more places I have for "stuff", the more "stuff" I accumulate. So I've been passing pieces like this up. But oh, that color. Goodluck!

  3. Nice! That might work for you, but I have way too much stuff for it to tackle!

  4. Ha! I'm glad my workshop isn't the only one that accumulates tons of stuff on any flat surface. Good luck with your reorganization. You'll probably find three of everything that you didn't know you had! By the way, the roses you shipped me are all doing well. Thanks again, John

  5. I'm sitting her admiring/eye-balling that arched window on the shelf! YOWZA! What is your plan for it?


  6. What a wonderful cupboard! I could really store a lot of stuff in there for sure. I know you can do glad it made it to your home.


  7. That is one big sucker, Connie! What a great working piece. You will have everything organized and have it filled before you know it! xo Diana

  8. That's a great cabinet! I can see by all your 'stuff' that it won't take long to fill it up! Good luck getting it organized!

  9. Dear Connie, I have a couple of organizing projects to complete, so I empathize. I love your cupboard. P. x

  10. Your basement actually looks good compared to mine...four summers ago I broke my arm, then the next summer I spent most of my time going to the hospital with my late husband, last year I had too much yard work to catch up on, and this summer is my daughter's wedding! So it might be winter before I tackle much down in the cave! ♥♫

  11. Ok....I could use about 3 of those in my basement, Connie! lol! What awesome storage space for you! Have fun getting organized! Don't forget to come up for air once in a while! lol! :)

    xoxo laurie

  12. I too could use a cabinet like this!

  13. This is great! Just what we have been trying to decide on for our old smoke house which is J's work place. I am showing him this post! Of course finding the time...
    How is the porch coming along?

    Have a wonderful day! Kiss all your critters for me :)
    xo, misha

  14. Come leave a comment on my blog for the Fairy Hobmother! I did and won a $50 Amazon Gift Cert. Seriously.. come comment and leave your wish.


  15. I love that cupboard and I know you will fill it up with all sorts of wonderfully useful things!

    Kat :)


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