
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Oh, Deer.

There are advantages to spending early mornings in the garden.  It's cooler in the morning, and I can sometimes catch a glimpse of some of the wildlife that shares the property with us.  

I saw this fawn today, sniffing around a tree in our back field.  It was about the same size as Ruby.

I was down-wind from it, and being very quiet as I slipped my phone out of my pocket and snapped this photo.  The scene was quickly disrupted when I sneezed and the little fawn bolted, its white tail raised in alarm, and it dashed toward the safety of our tree line.


  1. The high point of my day is when I get to see a deer or two. Or a heron. Muskrats. Pretty much any living creature other than the spouse - and not that I don't appreciate him, it's just the wildlife is so much cuter. That didn't sound good. You know what I mean. :)

    1. I completely agree on all counts. (spouse reference included) It’s fun and relaxing to watch most of our country critters … except for groundhogs.

  2. Your sneeze scared it, poor little fawn. I am sure it was fun to encounter it.

    1. 'Tis the season for sneezing. That fawn isn't the first critter that my sneezing has frightened.

  3. So sweet Connie!!! I hope you'll hop on over to the blog early next week when i show off some of my critters.. :) fawns So lucky for you to see this one! Hugs! deb

    1. Thanks! It's been a while since I have had time to spend hopping around to read my favorite blogs. I should make time to do that again, since I really enjoy doing that. It's like a window into life all over the world. (I'm glad that your move turned out okay.)

  4. Dadgumit! I bet if you hadn't sneezed we'd have more pics of that cutie!

    1. Sneezing at inopportune times is the story of my life! My allergies have been in hyperdrive for the past few weeks. Without Claritin and Sudafed, life outside the reach of a tissue box would be impossible.

      Even if I hadn't sneezed, all I had with me was my ancient iPhone. No way I could have done better than I did using that.

  5. What a sweet surprise for you early in the morning! Doesn't it figure that a sneeze would happen right then? That little fawn is adorable. Do you have problems with them eating your gardens?

    Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. I see a bit of deer damage from time to time, usually on the edge of my English garden, which appears to be on the path they use to get to the pond on the neighbor’s property next door. Fortunately, there’s plenty for them to eat most years, so roses are just a light snack for them. One year, though, they ate almost all the new growth and buds in that garden. Can’t fault them too much … they have to eat and it appears that I set out a tempting buffet.

  6. The other morning I saw a doe and her baby fawn on the property...did get a pic but mom was on high alert..we have the deer on our property quite a bit and it is such a privilege to see, especially the little ones. I do put the photos on
    Facebook from time to time. Have been getting up at five hoping to see them again but no luck so far.

    1. I don't see deer very often, so it's a treat when I do. My neighbors have a better view of wildlife than me, since our house is surrounded by trees with obscure the sightlines toward the open part of our property. So cool that you saw and photographed Mama and her baby!

  7. Believe it or not, we have deer in our community... I guess they get used to the sounds.

    Did I tell you about three time two buck scared me to death in Hollywood Cemetery? I was able to snap a picture when they were some distance away.

    1. I have seen deer damage at Hollywood, but never seen the actual deer. I have seen bunnies and groundhogs there, though. Next time I see you, you will have to tell me the story.

  8. Oh! so sweet.
    The little fawn we have here in the neighborhood is becoming so brave.
    Th other day she was just laying in the grass by the neighbors back door.
    She has obviously visited my yard at some point again because my potato vines are eaten to nubs and a couple of the hostas are chewed down to the ground.
    I don't care. I'm fine with that.
    But me and the neighbors are really worried about her because we never see her with her mom and she periodically crosses the busy street by herself.
    I glanced out the window the other day and saw her leisurely crossing and a hot-rod kid zooming down the street.
    Luckily he saw her and slowed down to a crawl.
    I wish she would stay put where it's more wooded.

    1. The deer here are not at all trusting of humans.

      The fawn in your neighborhood sounds like a delight to watch. I also hope that she stays out of the road.

  9. Oh so sweet. We spotted a fawn in our garden a few weeks ago. It was just chilling by itself and then it left to join its mother. They were adorable, mother and baby!

    1. I didn't see Mama with this fawn, but that doesn't mean that she wasn't nearby. Hopefully, your Mama and baby won't develop a taste for the contents of your garden.

  10. I've seen a few spotted fawns over the past few weeks. I know deer are pests to lots of people but they are so cute and gentle, and the fawns definitely put a smile on my face.


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