
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Another Story ... With Four Snaps This Time

Winnie's favorite place to be is on the sofa, snuggled onto the down throw that I keep out for her year-round.  (It used to be a winter-only item for use by chilly humans ... stored away during warm months.)  She gets onto the sofa via a set of pet steps given to her by her Auntie Susan.  

In the beginning, it only took about five minutes and some delicious treats to teach Winnie to use the steps, and now she scampers up and down them easily to get on and off the sofa ... most of the time.  Every once in a while, it appears that she decides that she has forgotten how to use them or it may seem easier to her to resort to begging to be picked up.

I tell Winnie that she is very lucky to have been adopted into a family that spoils her, instead of babying her ... though I don't think Winnie understands the difference.  During this little exchange, Winnie made multiple trips back and forth between half-hearted attempts at the steps and begging to be picked up.

If this behavior doesn't get her what she wants, it rarely takes more than a few minutes for Winnie to resign herself to the fact that she has to use the steps to get onto the sofa by herself if she's going to get there at all ...

... and, soon, she was fast asleep.

P.S.  Here's a extra gratuitous Winnie photo for you ... because she's just so darned adorable.

This tiny little dog has a huge piece of my heart!


  1. She is just the sweetest..... I love watching our pups curled up in a tight ball on their beds. They are always so content, and it feels good to know that they have entrusted us with their safety and well-being.

    1. I completely agree with you. A room full of sleeping critters is the ultimate sign of trust.

  2. She is working it!!! Such a cutie pie.

    1. Working it is EXACTLY what she’s doing. It’s hard to resist that adorable little face, and I think she knows it.

  3. Love that sweet little face. It can wear a girl out going up stairs! ♥

    1. I can see that you would fall under Winnie's spell and would certainly pick her up whenever she asked. Just so you know ... sometimes I do, too. :)

    She would have me wrapped around her little.. paw.
    I can see why she has a huge piece of your heart.
    She is just adorable.

    1. That sweet little toothless crooked half-blind face! I find it completely irresistible.

  5. She is pretty darn adorable. Hard to resist that face. :)

    1. Can't resist it, so I don't even try. Our son-in-law is puzzled by my attraction to geriatric pets. I think old dog faces are the most beautiful, and old dog personalities are the best.

  6. That girl is so darned adorable!

    1. I know she is … but don’t tell her I said so. Nevermind, I think she already knows how I feel

  7. She is so dang sweet! I love that last photo of her! I think it's neat that she has her own little set of steps to get on the sofa.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

    1. She is a sweet little thing! It's a good thing that her steps are soft, because I have run into them with my shins more than once while trying to sit on the sofa.

  8. Seeing Winnie always makes my heart happy! I love the last photo the most, but can never get enough photos of Winnie. Thanks for sharing her with us!


  9. She is cute and sweet! I understand for I too have a tiny cute and sweet one living in my home!

    1. Winnie has brought a completely different kind of delight to our home. I know that you understand.

  10. CUTE, CUTE,CUTE....she has captured all our hearts, as well.

    1. Cute is what Winnie does best! It's good to know that I don't have to worry about wearing you out with Winnie pics.

  11. Winnie is just so doggone cute. Love that last photo of her. Also loved seing the kitty in a couple of the shots.

    1. Dorothy is happy that you noticed here there on the chair. She wonders sometimes if Winnie is getting an unfair share of the attention. :)

  12. As well, mine too, Connie. She is such a sweet girl.

    1. She really IS sweet! We have learned to live with the fact that she guards me from the cats ... completely ignores them at other times. Came in here like she'd been here all her life, and made OUR lives so much richer in the process.

  13. All of the pictures of Winnie are awesome. The last one made me laugh out loud! What a cutie!

    1. That last photo was the expression Winnie had when she heard my husband in the kitchen scooping dog food into a dish for suppertime. I'm glad she held it long enough for me to grab my iPad and capture it.

  14. ...and you thought you weren't a "little dog" person. She is just the most adorable little thing - and lucky indeed.

    1. I’m still not a “little dog” person … I’m a person who is head-over-heels completely in love with THIS little dog

  15. I know you want to help her each time she asks, yet not picking her up you know she's getting a bit of exercise.

    These thoughts are with me when helping my mom or sister, both obese. Happy to do everything when traveling with them, yet don't, they need to 'move' !!


    1. Her steps give Winnie some independence.

      One day, I will have to document what I have come to call the "Chihuahua Marathon" ... Winnie's exercise program, forced upon her by her mean mommy. Her tiny size and questionable hips make it essential for me to keep her in the best shape possible, both with food and exercise.

      As we age, we lose the ability to do whatever it is that we cease to do. You are doing a very loving thing with your mom and sister.

  16. She has been the cutest addition to your family. She always makes me smile when I see her adorable face :-)


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