
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Say Cheese ... Or Maybe Not.

I will say this right up front ... the words "Let me take your picture" make me cringe.  I am working to change my attitude about pictures, but it's not easy.

As an exercise to help me get more comfortable with this, I am publicly posting the photos that were taken of me during Hollywood Cemetery's rose work day a few weeks ago.  Some are okay, some are not-so-okay, but all of them appear to be true representations of my expressions that day.

Me with Mabel, one of the Hollywood staffers that I adore, before we got started.

Giving instructions to the group.  I can see the frustration on my face, as things were a bit confused while I divided the group into teams.

Group photo.  Can you find me?  Notice that I am distracted by something ... I guess my mind was elsewhere.

Richmond Rose Society members.  I'm okay with this one.  At least I was paying attention.

Photo + talking = awkward.

Last week, after my program at the Chesapeake Bay Garden Club, one of the members wanted to take a photo of me with the club president for their newsletter .  I was dressed professionally, and my hair and make up were done, but I still panicked a little inside.  I did it anyway, without protest or hesitation ... I'm getting better.


  1. I hate having my photo taken because I look awful. I guess my age is really showing and it's hard to face. Your photos are great, you look amazing and I have a problem with my 'mouth' always in motion and some interesting photos have been deleted by me many times.

    1. Getting older is a privilege that is denied to many people, so I’m trying to make the best of it. I am going to suggest that you take my advice and do the same. Remember that kids and grandkids will treasure the photos that you find worthy only of being deleted. That photo of me on the seat of my pants pruning that rose? I see a weird posture and expression. Other people see me at work doing what I love to do. It’s all a matter of perspective. We have to keep our chins up, Linda dear … no matter how many chins we have. ;)

  2. What Linda@A La Carte said. Really ,every word. I think you look fantastic. I think you are fantastic...and brave.

    xo J

    1. Jane, darling, you are so sweet! You make be smile, and blush.

  3. I avoid all photos! Can't say there has been one I approve of, since I was a little bitty baby.

    1. I’m trying to make myself understand that my opinion of images of me isn’t the only one that matters … and it’s not the most important opinion either. Other people’s needs (those of my family especially) take precedence, and I have to deal with it.

  4. I think the pics you've posted here are all good ones, although I don't see you in the large group one.

    I know what you mean about not liking awkward pictures! I hosted a cemetery picnic the other weekend, and there are a few photos of me that got posted on our goth meetup website of me with my mouth open (talking) and/or making weird faces! After cringing and thinking, OMG I have to get those off of there, I decided not to comment or delete them, although I could as I'm one of the organizers. I figured, well, they WANTED to take pics of me and post them, and they might very well be offended if I removed them. If they thought I looked awful, I'm sure they wouldn't have posted them. So I accept the compliment in smiling silence... ;-)

    1. Look to the right of center in that photo, just over the shoulder of the woman in the maroon sweatshirt.

      Sounds like you and I have the same problem. Constant motion, mouth open, arms flailing about in flowery gestures ... totally normal for me. I did a rose program once that required me to hold and speak into a microphone the whole time. Felt as if someone had cut off one of my arms. I'm trying to remind myself that photos are simply a tiny slice of time and light ... capturing moments. These moments matter to me, and to other people, and my discomfort with them is my problem to overcome. I'm getting there, little by little.

  5. Connie, you are so right about allowing your picture to be taken. It's really for our children and grandchildren. Because I am the "photographer" for our family, there are very few pictures of me with my kids. I didn't mind that at all because I was never happy with the way I looked. Just a few months ago while we were in Brazil, I realized that I should leave my kids with at least a few photos of me so they can share with their kids and grandkids. And you are right that getting older is a privilege that is denied to many people, so we should celebrate our aging rather than be ashamed of how old we look. You look fabulous, BTW. You look like a really interesting person to spend time with. I can't wait to meet you.

    1. YOU are right, too! I realized that I also had to step from behind the camera five years ago, when I was putting together a memorial slideshow for my father-in-law. Decades of photos of my husband's family in albums, and there were precious few of his dad. I vowed right then and there to leave more images of myself for my kids.

      We will get together soon.

  6. Drats! I should have taken your picture today when you were all dolled up for the picnic! Cute dress, amazing necklace, puppy tote :D Of course your working pictures are just as lovely to me. They show you're knowledgable, strong, and capable. You're also surrounded by folks who adore you. Nothing is more attractive than that.

    1. Now that you mention it, I would have loved a group photo of you and me, with our fellas, to mark the occasion. I had so much fun yesterday!

      The working photos are real life ... odd expressions and gestures, squints and talking, distractions and all. It's the stuff that each moment was made of, and photos can only capture what's there in the first place. I like that these photos captured me as the manager of Hollywood's roses. Work day is a stressful one for me. It's good to see that the stress wasn't showing on my face ALL day.

  7. Don't be shy about having your photo taken. You are a lovely woman, inside and out.

    Have a great week being yourself at whatever you do ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thank you!

      This week is going to begin with a little bit of your Florida-like weather, and I plan to spend as much of it as I can in the garden.


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