
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Random Photos of Things that Make Me Happy

I almost always have some device on hand that can snap a quick photo, and I take a LOT of photos.  It's a rare day when I haven't snapped at least one photo of something.  Here is an assortment of little moments that I have captured during the past week.  

Dorothy loves to be close to me, but she usually prefers to be beside my lap instead of on it.  This is where she can be found almost every evening.

Ruby is such a silly girl ... the other morning, she was cock-roaching in the sunshine ... not a care in the world.

I walked into the dining room and caught Maggie killing one of Ruby's dog toys.  When she realized that I saw what she was doing, she pretended that it hadn't happened and she calmly walked out of the room.

It's the time of year when my pick-up truck gets a lot of use.  Right now, it is full of a brand new load of two yards of mulch.  I think every woman should have her own truck.

There is such a strong bond between Alice and Dorothy ... sister kitties who recently turned five, who have never known life without each other.

... and Winnie, on the kitchen rug waiting for her supper.  What else can I possibly say about this adorable little dog ... she is absolutely perfect.

Right now, sweet Winnie is sitting in my lap with the tail of my sweatshirt folded over her, sound asleep despite my typing.  Such a happy girl.


  1. I love your sweet pets - so adorable!

    1. They ARE adorable … thank you for noticing. They are the brightest spots in my day sometimes.

  2. I LOVE this post!
    I love seeing your little fur-kids.
    I'll trade my boring van for your cool truck!
    And I want to steal your little Winnie, she's just so adorable!

    1. Blue wouldn't fit into the cab of my cool truck, so you should probably stick with your van. If both of us humans are in the truck with the dogs, Ruby squeezes onto the bench seat between us and Winnie rides in her little crate at my feet.

  3. I LOVE all the things that make you happy! I notice that most of them are warm blooded and covered with fur! Perfect-xo Diana

    1. It's the time of year when I'm running 40,000 different directions at once, and these photos represent moments when I consciously stopped to notice things around me. Upside down dog, happy relaxed cat, the love between two sisters ... could have easily been overlooked as I raced to the next thing on my list.

  4. Ruby is certainly... flexible. Cute shots! Can't tell you how many times we wish we had a truck, like today, when hubby needed to haul some bricks.

    1. Moments like these are why I love having either my phone or iPad on hand. The truck photo was taken in a moment of gratitude, as I was staring out the front window reveling in the short-lived feeling of victory at having dealt with another load of mulch. (Short-lived because I went right back to the mulch place and filled it up again) I was feeling particularly thankful that my husband agreed to let me have my OWN truck, instead of arranging to trade cars ahead of time to borrow his if I needed it. This truck is one of my better Craigslist acquisitions.


    1. Thank you, Carole. I have blogs that I make me feel the same way ... I am very thankful that this is one of those for you.

  6. Wonderful, loving photos. Life is good.

    Have a nice weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. Life truly is GOOD! These sweet critters remind me of this every day.

  7. Love your animals have 2 wonderful cats myself AND my own truck!

    1. Yay!!! Feels so liberating to have your own truck, doesn’t it.

  8. My DH was a city boy. I brought the truck to the marriage. Now we both use it. He takes our dog. Elvis for rides in it. I think Elvis wants to drive. I enjoy reading about your place, and pets. Thanks for blogging!

    1. What was that old commercial ... Dogs LOVE trucks! Turns out, us ladies love trucks, too.

      My truck is a 1984, same age as our oldest daughter, I'm the third owner, and it only has 86K miles on it. Being as primitive as it is, it's a snap to maintain and repair (I have a really good old-school mechanic).

      I'm glad to hear that you enjoy your time here. That's important to me.

  9. Connie, this post made me very happy. Love your furry kids and sharing how they brighten up your life brightens mine up also!

    1. I know! And all we have to do is slow down for a second and notice what's going on around us.

  10. Oh Connie, your pictures made me smile too! Doesn't it just amaze you how very much happiness our beloved animals bring into our lives every single day? I can't imagine life without them, they make everything better. Loved the shot of Ruby - cockroaching huh? :) And I can just see your kitty destroying the dog toy and strolling away nonchalantly as if nothing happened! Too funny! Cats...odd creatures at heart. And your picture of your dear little Winnie made me tear up, because that's what I always used to say about my precious Annie...she was perfect. And she really was. Glad you have her. Thank you for your comment on my blog - I really appreciate it.

    1. Cockroaching is a term that I learned from the greyhound world. Very descriptive.

      I have Winnie, you have Eagle. Neither of them were what we normally would have chosen, because we were not free to choose. They came to us, perfect for us in their own ways, and life is better for them being here.

  11. I keep hoping my husband will trade in his 1999 Camry for a pickup. He's always hauling things home from Lowes for projects. Love your photos today and how carefree all of your pets are.

    1. Rowdy and Izzy would LOVE for their Daddy to take them for rides in a truck.

  12. Thank you for sharing your happy. Job done, made me happy. XOT

  13. The things that make you happy, make me happy too. It's such a joy to watch care free animals. Cockroaching? Haha, Snarf also does a lot of cockroaching as I understand the picture well. I love to drive that pick up too, but I think it's not so handy here on our little 'estate' (haha), on our narrow country roads in our little country.


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