
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Random Photos of Things that Make Me Happy

I almost always have some device on hand that can snap a quick photo, and I take a LOT of photos.  It's a rare day when I haven't snapped at least one photo of something.  Here is an assortment of little moments that I have captured during the past week.  

Dorothy loves to be close to me, but she usually prefers to be beside my lap instead of on it.  This is where she can be found almost every evening.

Ruby is such a silly girl ... the other morning, she was cock-roaching in the sunshine ... not a care in the world.

I walked into the dining room and caught Maggie killing one of Ruby's dog toys.  When she realized that I saw what she was doing, she pretended that it hadn't happened and she calmly walked out of the room.

It's the time of year when my pick-up truck gets a lot of use.  Right now, it is full of a brand new load of two yards of mulch.  I think every woman should have her own truck.

There is such a strong bond between Alice and Dorothy ... sister kitties who recently turned five, who have never known life without each other.

... and Winnie, on the kitchen rug waiting for her supper.  What else can I possibly say about this adorable little dog ... she is absolutely perfect.

Right now, sweet Winnie is sitting in my lap with the tail of my sweatshirt folded over her, sound asleep despite my typing.  Such a happy girl.