
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sunday Snapshot: Finished

Here is a peek at the new living room drapes that I finished the other day.  They are made from the same fabric as the ones that I made two years ago for the dining room. The style of these two rooms is very similar, and you can easily see from one to the other, so I wanted the window treatments to match.

Family Room bay window with new drapes!

Dining Room, with matching drapes.

The difference between the drapes in the family room and the ones in the dining room is that the family room drapes are finished.  Really finished ... not mostly, you-can't-really-tell-that-they're-not-hemmed almost-finished like the dining room. 

My goal for 2015 and beyond is to try to stick with projects all the way to the end.  It's been a struggle at times, as I fight the lure of other things that tempt me to start or work on, but I'm getting a lot of satisfaction out of stepping back and basking in the triumphant feeling of FINISHED!

(Tutorial to teach you how to make your own drapes will be posted in a few days.)

Happy Sunday, Everyone!

Sunday Snapshots are posts that are devoted to a moment in time that represents a slice of life in Hartwood, or wherever else I happen to be.


  1. Beautiful drapes, it all looks very distinguished. And.....I saw in your last post you still have snow....... it takes time that spring really arrives.
    No problem for you I think you have so many projects to do, outside or inside, l like that.

    1. Thank you! It has been warm for the past two days, and almost all of our snow is gone. I hope it stays gone.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! I can’t help but smile when I look at how finished my room looks now.

  3. Those turned out beautifully. Love the color, Connie.

    1. Thank you, Karen! This shade of blue makes me really happy.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! You will see them in person this spring, won’t you? (hint, hint)

  5. Very pretty, Connie. A lovely dressed window. ♥

    1. Thank you, Martha! These are so different from any other curtains that I have ever had before. I really love how finished the place is starting to look.

  6. I remember when you made the other drapes!

    1. I made the other ones WAY too long ago. Cut out all of the panels for both rooms at the same time, and the living room ones have languished on hangers in the sewing room closet ever since.

  7. Very pretty!
    I'm the same way, I mean the unfinished part.
    My whole house is half-finished!

    1. It’s so easy to get distracted by the allure of an exciting new project, and to leave other stuff half finished. As I practice finishing stuff, I get to points where I actually have to talk to myself and give encouragement (or a slap to the head) to keep myself going. It’s an on-going process.

      BTW, there’s not a single room in this house that I would consider to be finished.

  8. Those are really lovely drapes. I hear you on not finishing projects, DH and I were both like that. It's so easy to jump from one project to the next before finishing what you are working on. I have lots of needleworking projects that are WIP's.

    Looking forward to your tutorial.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thank you!

      Funny that you mention needlework … I was looking for something else yesterday afternoon and I found a file box crammed with half-finished needlework projects and supplies. I put the lid back on the box and backed away slowly. I will deal with that, and some other boxes, some other time.

  9. Lovely drapes, Connie! Really go well with the room.

  10. Connie, they look wonderful. I love the fabric pattern. Classy and elegant.

    I know what you mean about projects. We just have too many projects and not enough time. I just keep plugging along. lol

    1. Classy and elegant? Everything that I'm not. (wink, wink)

      Plugging along right with you on stuff. I figure that any bit of progress is better than none at all.


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