
Friday, March 6, 2015

Snow Again

It snowed again yesterday (Thursday).  This storm was predicted well ahead of time, and we were prepared to deal with whatever we got ... which turned out to be four to five inches of snow, on top of about a half an inch of sleet that fell first.

I spent most of the day in my sewing room, making drapes for the family room and watching the snow fall.  The view from up there is beautiful.

A little bit of snow.

A little while later, lots more snow.

It's cold today, but the sun has been shining.  This morning, the young man next door came over and plowed our driveway, and I shoveled our steps and sidewalk this afternoon.  Yesterday evening, I had to shovel and sweep a path and spot in the backyard for Winnie to do her 'business'.  Ruby just runs out into the snow and has a grand old time ... Winnie is too small for that.

Yesterday morning, right before the storm got going, I set up my game camera, programmed to time lapse mode, to see if I could make a video of the accumulating snow.  The result ... 450+ photos (one every five minutes from 10:30am till 6:00pm), compiled with Movie Maker with one-tenth of a second between photos.  An all-day snow storm, condensed into 45 seconds.

I'm not going to complain about the snow, even though we have had more than our usual share of it in the past few weeks.  We are warm and safe, and that's all that matters.

(I promise that I will share my new drapes with you very soon ... tutorial, too!)


  1. It is pretty. I really liked the time lapse thing- especially watching the snow pile up on the chair. Very cool. xo Diana

    1. Making snow videos is only one of the weird things that I tend to think about doing when I’m stuck inside like that. Never having done that before, I’m thrilled that it worked. I had to fight the urge, more than once, to go outside and pull the SD card from the camera to check on it.

  2. Connie, your movie was great! You are much more patient than I am about the weather. I'm looking forward to seeing your new drapes with those lovely roses on them. ♥

    1. Thanks, Martha! Not the rose fabric for these drapes … the same blue Waverly fabric as the drapes in the dining room, because the dining room and family room are visible to each other and they need to coordinate. Drapes are finished and installed, but the room is a total mess. Photos of the finished product will be taken once I tidy up a tad.

  3. The images are beautiful and I love the time lapse... but glad I haven't been the one dealing with it! This wimp is ready for Spring!

    1. I’m ready for spring, too! Making the best of it by using the snow for entertainment.

  4. I've lost my "love" of the snow this year, but your fun video and reminder about being safe and warm is well timed advice for me, thanks for that! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Kim, you have had more than your fair share of situations to deal with this winter. I hope for your sake that spring really, truly is finally on its way.

  5. Your still photos are lovely, and look at sweet Winnie's little area to do her business. :-)

    It was fun watching the video, especially the chair filling up with snow. I hope this all melts soon so that you can get outdoors to play in the dirt.

    Look forward to seeing your new drapes.

    Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. Temps are predicted to be warm enough to do a pretty quick job of melting this snow and turning the yard into a mushy swamp by Monday or Tuesday.

  6. I love that video!
    Sorry that it's snowing again out in your area.
    We are having warmer weather and hopefully it will melts this mess.
    The other day, some of it melted and then froze again and that's worse than snow! but we are supposed to hit the 40's this coming week and I'm SO happy about that. :)
    I don't usually shovel out a spot for my little ones because Blue makes a path for them when he goes outside.
    Now that I think of it, I wish I had made a video of that when it first snowed. Blue walking around in it and the little ones following him. :)
    and finally, thanks for your kind words.

    1. We made it to 50 yesterday, and a lot of the snow has melted.

      Now you MUST promise to make that video of Blue clearing the path for the little dogs … not that I’m wishing you any more snow, you understand.

      I’m REALLY glad that Blue is feeling better.

  7. Uhhhhhg--MORE snow. It's feeling like winter is here to stay, huh?
    We got 4" Tuesday with an icy cap to make it hard to shovel, but ice underneath sounds treacherous.
    Where. Is. Spring?

    1. Ice underneath IS treacherous. I shoveled as far down as I could on Friday, the day after the snow, and warmer temps on Saturday melted the ice. We are expecting mild temps for the rest of the week, so the yard will soon be free of snow and full of mud real soon.

  8. Love your time lapse movie, very cool! We got lucky with this snow, only about 1/2 inch. With the warmer temps yesterday, it is gone. Don't know about you, but I'm about done for this year. Time to start thinking about the garden, right? :)

    1. Thanks, Pam! It's 57 degrees outside right now and there is very little snow left out there.

      There isn't a time when I'm NOT thinking about the garden. Warm weather is for working in the garden ... cold weather provides time to plan and plot what I will plant and what I will do when spring finally arrives.


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