
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Thirty Days of Mr. Rogers ... Day Nine

Mr. Rogers said, "When I think of Robert Frost's poems, like "The Road Not Taken," I feel the support of someone who is on my side, who understands what life's choices are like, someone who says, "I've been there, and it's okay to go on."

Ever hopeful, Ruby and Winnie wait patiently as my husband is making his lunch, prepared to act if their services as floor cleaners become necessary.

"I've often hesitated in beginning a project because I've thought, "It'll never turn out to be even remotely like the good idea I have as I start,"  I could just 'feel' how good it could be.  But I decided that, for the present, I would create the best way I know how and accept the ambiguities."

When our cleaning lady arrived the other day, Winnie and Ruby were barking (mostly Winnie, of course) and Maggie, Dorothy, and Alice were upstairs in our bedroom away from the chaos.

Me:  If you have been visiting here for any length of time, you already know that my brain is a spinning muddle of current and past projects mixed with a whole lot of 'awesome things that I can't wait to get started on'.  This is not a good way to be for any length of time, if one wants to be efficient and productive.  Because of this, I live in a world full of half-finished 'great ideas', clogged with materials and supplies for projects that I may never live to start.  

The bright side of this is that the situation isn't hopeless.  I fully understand that there are things that I must make the time to finish, materials that I will never use and I should sell or donate, and projects that I can scale back enough for them to actually be realistic and achievable.  I felt as if I was standing at Robert Frost's road-not-taken crossroads earlier this year ... and it feels good to be starting on a new road, working toward having less stuff and fewer things going on at once.  It's a process, but I think I'm at least off to a good start.

During the month of November, I plan to share wisdom from Mr. Rogers with you each day (from the book "The World According to Mr. Rogers") ... Mr. Rogers's words accompanied by everyday images from life here at Hartwood Manor ... this place that I am blessed to call HOME.


  1. Always look forward to reading your post and the daily Mr. Rogers' quote. Thanks- very nice.

  2. You know i'm going to have to go read that poem now. lol

    That second quote by Mr. Rogers i could have written if i could write so well. At the very least it seems he is speaking about me.

    I love what you wrote too. Imagine what trouble we would get into if we lived closer. lol

    LOVE how the cats are lying equal distance apart from each other. lol Hugs! deb

  3. I'm so afraid of taking the wrong path that I end up sitting at the fork, taking neither.
    Yep, just piling up supplies, junk and good intentions.
    I wish I could just start over with a clean slate and run full force down a path with no regrets.
    But today I am so sick with the flu, it's taking all my energy to even comment.
    Myave tomorrow?

  4. Great quotes and I love your own thoughts about things too. Very good and thought provoking.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  5. Such a wonderful poem, I remember reciting it in high school. I'm pretty much a 'path less traveled' girl myself.

    Love the sweet kitties!

  6. If anything, Connie, I have seen wonderful start to finish undertakings in your lifestyle. Don't sell yourself short. Applauding your decision to donate what you don't need right now. My favorite motivator is begin again.


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