
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Thirty Days of Mr. Rogers ... Day Eight

Mr. Rogers said, "You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices.  And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are."

The pink dog bed in the dining room is supposed to be Winnie's, but I find other animals in it from time to time.  Ruby has to wad herself up really tight to fit into it.

"Solitude is different from loneliness, and it doesn't have to be a lonely kind of thing."

It's okay that other critters use Winnie's pink bed, because she has other snuggly spots to use.

Me:  Alone time is essential to my well being.  I find that I get a bit nuts when I've had too much 'togetherness'.  Don't misunderstand ... I adore my husband, but he works from home and we are together almost 24/7, so it's important that each of us make time for ourselves.  I garden or work on my latest project-du-jour ... he paints.   Maintaining our individual interests is part of why we have been together so happily for over thirty years.  (click the "My Husband's Art" link below to see some of his work from blog posts or click HERE to go to his web site.)

During the month of November, I plan to share wisdom from Mr. Rogers with you each day (from the book "The World According to Mr. Rogers") ... Mr. Rogers's words accompanied by everyday images from life here at Hartwood Manor ... this place that I am blessed to call HOME.


  1. I am so so glad you adopted Winnie. What a cutie pie she is!! Love your photos. Truth be told, I have never paid much attention to Mr. Rogers until you started posting this series. His TV show must have been very thoughtful.


  2. Love how all the critters share beds! I too have to have some alone time or I go crazy! I'm enjoying your series this month!

  3. I find myself looking forward to your Mr.Rogerisms every day. LOL! I could have written your 'ME' section. Hubs and i have been married 25 years. And i contribute alot of it to the fact we have a wonderful combination of togetherness and our own interests. I think its essential for a long and happy marriage. My 'Me' time will have to be reconfigured soon as hubby is talking of retirement.THAT will be a new adventure for us. Hugs! deb

  4. So lovely to see your animals share each others bed, they all look so cute.

  5. I really appreciated today's quote. I am 49 and just left a very stressful job... just walked away from my 55 hour/wk management position. Life is finite and I want to spend my time in a meaningful way.

    Today is my 28th wedding anniversary... I agree with you, separate interests keep our relationship healthy.. hubby is off golfing now while I sip tea and blog!

  6. Happy Anniversary, Devon! (do I have your email address?)

  7. Solitude is harder to find with hubby retired, but I do still manage occasionally.

  8. Thank You! Yes, I just subscribed to follow by email.

  9. Boy, that quote hits it on the head for me! I've got so much going on and accomplishing nothing!
    I must make some choices.
    Your home reminds me of my own.
    Right now my big dog is laying on the corner of the sofa because a couple of the little ones are sleeping on his bed!
    I clicked on your husbands website.
    Wow, he's SO talented! I love his paintings!

  10. We can all take a lesson from Winnie ~ serendipity! Thank you for the link. Steve has added a few since I last looked. His work makes me nostalgic for a simpler time.


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