
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Poor Ruby

A knitted dog hat was donated for the silent auction at our Greyhounds Rock fundraiser event a few weeks ago.  I took a quick look at it to see how it was made, and I designed and made my own version of it as a Santa hat to fit Ruby.

She doesn't appreciate it one bit.

It was a struggle to get her to stand still so I could take these few photos of her in the hat.  All she wanted to do was to rub her head on me to try to scrape it off.

It's a shame that the hat makes her so unhappy, because she sure was cute wearing it. 


  1. The Santa hat made me smile, adorable!

  2. She does not look happy! She is cute as can be but oh I can tell she is thinking, 'get this off my!!'

  3. do we get a Florida review?

    I thought it looked like "Little Red Ridinghood".

  4. Oh- Is that ever cute! Santa dog! xo Diana

  5. That is SO cute, but I can picture her trying to get it off, too. I bet my grand dog, Buster, would wear one! I'm sending my daughter a link so she can see Ruby in her hat!♥♫

  6. Awwwwww... poor Ruby... but she sure does look cute!!!

  7. Adorable! Glad Ruby allowed a few pics. P. x

  8. LOL. What a cutie! My stepdaughter just got a dog, and I've been knitting sweaters like crazy. Haven't tried a hat, though.

  9. Haha! So cute! But poor Ruby. Not destined for this hat.

  10. We agree 100% Ruby looks so cute.
    Cinnamon would be trying to get it off too.


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