
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Next Stop ... Florida!

My program is finished, saved to a flash drive as a back-up in case of a laptop emergency.  My bag is packed, and I'm ready to head to the airport to leave for the Heritage Rose Foundation conference in Florida.

Alice tried to stowaway in my suitcase while I was packing yesterday.

What a great morning this is to be heading to the Sunshine State ... 20 degrees outside here in Hartwood, according to the Weather Widget on the sidebar to your right. says that Lakeland is 49 degrees this morning, with a predicted high temperature of 77 ... it should be even warmer tomorrow ... aaahhhh.

This morning, she's camped out on my computer bag.

I am so excited ... looking forward to the next four days.  I will be catching up with old friends, making new friends, and totally overdosing on all sorts of rose stuff.  (not looking forward to the plane ride, though.  I actually like flying ... it's the other passengers on the plane that spoil it for me.)