
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today is my mother's birthday.

This is a photo of her as a two-year-old with her grandmother.  It's one of my favorites ... such a sweet moment!

Happy Birthday, Mom!!

I love you!

(edited to add:  I posted this picture to FB.  My mother added the following reply:  " the lady on the right is my Grandmother Vida Floyd. She is my Dad's mom. I was the first and only grandchild when that photo was taken. I'd bet that 'candid shot' was taken with a box Brownie (to you young folks that was a camera not a flat cake!)."


  1. Aw! That's adorable! Sending a "Happy Birthday" to your mom on her special day!

  2. That's so sweet. My best friend's mom had a Brownie, - we used to love it when she took our picture w/it as it was so different from the camera's we were used to.

    Happy Birthday to you Mom!

  3. Aww, what a great photo; so sweet! Please wish your mother a Happy Birthday for me. And thank her for the clarification about the camera.

  4. Sweet, indeed! I know exactly what that camera looked like as my mom has one. I don't think she's thrown it away in her cleaning frenzy, yet!♥♫

  5. What a fabulous treasure to have.
    Vida's personality and love comes shining through.

  6. That photo is an absolute treasure! Happy Birthday, Connie's Mom!

  7. What a treasure of a photo! I came over to your blog from your comment on Diana's post showing all the set tables. YOUR first thought was for the poor person who would have to wash all those dishes - sweet!

  8. ·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ .Happy Birthday to your Mom!!! What a treasured photo and memory to have!!

    And would you believe that Carl still has his Brownie camera, in the box--That's a treasure too!

  9. Haha! I know what a box Brownie is! (Or, was!)
    What a precious picture.
    And ... Happy Birthday to your Mom, who clearly is a remarkable woman with a good sense of humor ... and I'm very impressed that she's on FB. Many Happy Returns of the day, to your Mom.
    Best wishes, Cass
    PS My roses are still setting buds and blooming -- clearly they don't have a calendar yet! I need to plant more of these hard working bushes!

  10. Hi Connie, Please wish your Mom happy birthday from one of your fans! Hope she enjoys her special day. That picture is adorable.


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