
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Election Day

This is my Election Day sweatshirt:

It perfectly captures my philosophy about voting.  Too many people stay home, don't vote, and whine about government.

Get out there and be heard!

(Break time is over now, and it's time for me to get back to work.  I'm furiously gathering photos and writing the program I will be delivering at the Heritage Rose Foundation conference in Florida next week.  I fly out of here in nine days, and I'm just now getting this thing halfway organized.  I know I will get it done in plenty of time, and I know that it will be entertaining and informative when I'm finished, but it may kill me in the process.)


  1. I know you, you'll be just fine! Enjoy Florida while you're there!

  2. Florida looks forward to seeing you and hearing of your important work preserving the history of roses. Every plant saved is a battle victory.

  3. You know your 'stuff' with the ogr's, so don't sweat it. And you are more charming than Stephen.

    BTW,..Hoo Ray for Virginia. Now, on to marriage equality!


  4. Amen! And, the good Lord knows we need improvement.

    Good luck! I know you will be great.

  5. All voting in Washington State is through mail or delivery, so there's no excuse where I live! We were leaving town, and I was nervous that my ballot wouldn't arrive in time, but it did, so we did our part!

  6. Connie,
    So true! Have fun in Florida.


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