
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Snapshot ... Baby Wrens

Mr. and Mrs. Carolina Wren's five babies are ten days old.  Seems like it's been longer than that since they hatched.  I checked my calendar to confirm ... ten days.

This is a photo from Day 9.

The babies have grown so much!  They are beginning to look like their Wren parents, and not at all like the naked babies they were last week.  There is very little room in the nest now, and the babies don't move around much.  They sit with their chins on the edge of the nest (do birds have chins?), waiting for Mama or Papa to bring them something to eat.

Another Day 9 photo.

It will only be a few days till the babies leave the nest.  I've said this before ... I am amazed at how fast these little critters grow!

Day 10

Today will be a very good day!  We are heading to Maryland to attend a friend's birthday party.  Jim and Dan are two of our very favorite people and they throw the BEST parties ... and their home and garden are a place of wonder. 

Have a happy Sunday, Everybody!


  1. The wren babies are so cute -- I too am amazed how quickly they mature and leave the nest. Great shots Connie -- have an awesome day today!

  2. I have baby wrens on my back porch in a bird house that my husband has not hung up for me yet. Now he has to wait til they leave.

  3. Won't be long until you have an empty nest... again!

  4. Enjoy! Oh how I LOVE Maryland!!

  5. Natures babies really do grow up too quickly, don't they?

    I hope you missed the rain and enjoyed your party today!

  6. Those wrens are adorable. Nothing like baby birds. I hope that you can sneak a few snapshots so your friends home and gardens to share. Have fun! xo Diana

  7. Their little yellow beaks are so cute! It won't be long now and they'll be taking flight for the first time. Amazing!

  8. They sure are cute. Soon they fledge...


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