
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Bye Bye, Birdies

Day 13:  The Carolina Wren nest in the pot in my greenhouse is empty this morning.

I didn't check on the babies on Sunday afternoon or yesterday, so I don't know exactly when they left.

I really enjoyed them while they were here.


  1. Awww -- glad they had a successful fledge. xo

  2. Talk about an empty nest syndrome...I feel your joy and pain Connie.

  3. Glad they were able to fly away! It's amazing how fast it all goes isn't it!

  4. So sweet - thank you for sharing this little miracle!

  5. You're back to empty nest, again. Hope you have more, soon. That had to be an enjoyable experience!

  6. Now ain't that just about the saddest photo on earth today.

  7. is kind of bittersweet, isn't it? xo Diana

  8. They'll be a new family nesting before we know it!

  9. Hey Connie. I’m playing catch up after a vacation with my girls and two of my grands. I’ve missed you. My little wrens are on their third hatch in the same birdhouse. I don’t recall that happening before. They come back annually, but not over and over in the same summer. Bliss! TJ remains on my morning schedule vacation or not; he comes first and foremost. Rain, rain, rain has relieved me of the chore of watering daily in July. I can see your summer is all you could ask for and more. Have a wonderful trip.

  10. Catching up on your blog and see that I missed the moment when those sweet little birds left the nest--And I see that with an empty nest, you went to Las Vegas? I wonder how many other parents have done that when their little fledglings left? :-)


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