
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Snapshot ... Ruby Week 3

It has been a total delight watching Ruby's personality emerge.  We knew when we got her that she is a sweet, friendly dog ... and this is still very much the case, but now she is so much more.  Over the past week, she is showing how much she loves to play in the yard. 

At first, she was a bit unsure of her surroundings, and she figured that her job was to be stuck securely beside me no matter what.  She would trot off to investigate her yard, but ignored any attempt to play ball.  This week, with a little inspiration from Daniel (who loves chasing balls but hardly ever brings them back), Ruby is becoming a champion tennis ball retriever.

This photo above is a very happy, very tired doggie ... who chased that tennis ball till my throwing arm gave out.  Good girl, Ruby!!

Happy Sunday, Everyone!

(Sharing this post with 'Your Sunday Best' at A Rural Journal.)


  1. What a pretty girl. I am glad she is starting to feel really secure and finding her true self! xoDiana

  2. So happy for you that the adoption is working out. She is such a lovely looking dog!

  3. My sister is visiting mom this weekend. Their dogs, Snowball & Blackie adore each other.


    Always nice to know dogs are happy.


  4. It's been awhile since we've connected -- and I'm so happy to see you've added to your family.

    What a pretty girl Ruby is and sounds like she's becoming more confident.

    Thank you so much for sharing at Your Sunday Best -- so glad to see you. :)

  5. What a beautiful dog Ruby is!

  6. Aww, reminds me of Kylee who would play until "we" were worn out! Ruby is so pretty! And I loved the shot in your last post...beautiful.

    Kat :)

  7. Very good portrait of this beautiful dog.

    Regards and best wishes

  8. she's a gem for sure!... love that pic. She is already showing the glow that comes with love and contentment.

  9. Thanks so much Connie for stopping by my blog. Your girl looks lovely and SO happy! I can't wait to look properly through your roses - it is my ambition this year to start growing them, and what a delight to have found a master Gardener to get tips from! best wishes.

  10. I just read through all of your "Ruby" posts! Trying to catch up with everyone..again :)
    What a sweetie and a sweet soul. You are so lucky to have her and she is so darn lucky to have YOU!
    Looking forward to reading more Ruby adventures :)
    xo, misha


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