
Saturday, March 17, 2012

I am Thankful

This is the view I see as I stand outside on the deck in the morning while the dogs are in the backyard doing their thing. 

(I tweaked the photo a little bit using PicMonkey.  Have you tried it yet?)

It is a seasonal view.  When the bare trees you see leaf out in a few weeks, the barn will disappear.  In the meantime, I am thankful for cool, misty mornings and sunshine, to get my day off to a beautiful start.

If you're looking for me this morning, I will be in the bottom left corner of this photo ... continuing to reclaim my Rose Field from last year's weeds and neglect.  I am also thankful for the lovely weather this week, which makes working outside so delightful.

Slowly but surely, I'm making progress.


  1. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day out in your rose field!!! I will be planting some roses later today!! :) donna

  2. Yes... I did try PicMonkey. Wish they would hurry up and finish all the other options though. :-)) Your view this morning is WONDERFUL!!

  3. What a gorgeous view indeed! What a blessing- Happy St. Paddy's Day to you-xo Diana

  4. What a great view!

    I'm so glad you're reclaiming the Rose Garden. I can't wait to see some beautiful rose pics from it!

  5. Beautiful photo! Yes PicMonkey is my new photo editing site. Enjoy your day. hugs, Linda

  6. I wish I could see your COMPLETE blog post in my Google reader. I don't always have the time to click over and see what's going on. I enjoy your blog so much, but I tend to just bypass you in the reader because I can't see it. I am hoping you'll consider changing that. (Don't worry, if I love a post, I do take the time to comment.) :)

  7. Beautiful, Connie... just beautiful!

  8. Looks great! It's too bad we can't also smell the fresh air.

  9. Hi Connie- it feels good to be making progress doesn't it!! I'm sure you ARE loving this early spring weather. I'm loving it too. Have already flung open the doors and windows!

    Sending love-

  10. What a gorgeous view, Connie! Hasn't this weather been just beautiful?? I've got all of my outdoor work done here at the farmhouse.'s on to our lake house, which will be going up for sale (again) next month. It's just not as much fun working over there, though...I continue to pray that it sells this summer...!

    xoxo laurie

  11. Oh, and yes - I did try PicMonkey. It's very much like Picnik! Have you tried That's the one I've been using and I just LUV it!

    xoxo laurie

  12. Happy Saturday it's really Sunday now, so Happy Sunday ;->

    Janet xox know I love a good view!

  13. Your morning view is like living in a painting!

  14. So glad you're getting to spend more time in the rose gardens :)


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