
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ruby's Most Recent Accomplishment

Please tell me that you're not tired of Ruby stories yet.  Since she's new here, and we are still very much in the getting-to-know-her stage, things happen and I really want to share.

Yesterday afternoon, I left Ruby in the care of The Husband while I headed to the grocery store.  I put Ruby in her crate, because The Husband was on a long conference call and had to concentrate on the call, not the dog.  After his call, Ruby was set free and she proceeded to nap on the couch ... or so he thought.

Who would have thought that half a dozen pieces of kibble on the kitchen counter (that I took out of my pants pocket before I left for the store) would be within Ruby's reach.  She jumped onto the counter, ate the kibble, and jumped off.  The Husband heard her, but was wasn't fast enough to catch her in the act.  As the photo above shows, she left behind conclusive evidence of her crime.

Note to self ... never leave any amount of kibble on the counter again.