
Friday, March 23, 2012

Morning Moments

The first thing I do after I get up in the morning is let the dogs out into the backyard to do their 'business', then I feed them and the cats their breakfasts.  This was at about 6:30 this morning, and the sun wasn't quite up yet.  My neighbor's pond was shrouded in mist, the forsythia at the corner of our properties was ablaze, and I thought the colors and textures would make a nice photo.  While the dogs waited patiently to be fed, I was outside capturing the moment with my camera. 

Our fantastic warm weather continues ... it's in the 60s this morning, with bright sunshine and lovely breezes.  The windows are open, and the cats are enjoying the birds and squirrels outside.  The weatherman says that today is the last day for this, as a rain system will arrive overnight and bring cooler temperatures. 

Alice is in the family room side window getting in a last little bit of bird watching while she can.  It's great that this old house of ours has such deep windowsills.

I'm on my way to the store, to get another bucket of Preen so I can finish treating the Rose Field before the rain arrives.  The only way to get the upper hand with the weeds will be to attack them on a number of fronts ... pulling, spraying, and preventing.  Wish me luck.


  1. My windows are wide open too...and I'm enjoying it before the rains hit this weekend! That first shot is stunning, you live in such a beautiful place. Good luck with the weeding.

    Kat :)

  2. Connie that first picture is gorgeous - took my breath away :)

  3. Connie I love that photo! The bright contrast of the forsythia with the misty softness of the pond...gorgeous! I put places for Charlie to look out the windows...he loves it. Hugs, Linda

  4. I'm in the midst of the "colder" weather here, but the rain is welcome. If your forsythia is like mine, though, say goodbye because the rain washed all the "yellow" off.

  5. Gorgeous view! and kitty ain't bad either! Have I told your ALice looks just like my Nigella? Is she a Maine Coon?
    oh the endless fight with weeds....I know it well.

  6. Wow, great photo. Your husband should paint that. Do you sell his painting in your booth/store?

  7. Talk to u more about Preen. What does it do? How do you use it? Where do you buy it?

  8. You've been posting some gorgeous photos these days, lady! Makes me (almost!) want to become a morning person to see if I can capture light like that!

  9. Good luck, I'm right there with you! Taking a break from the sun and I'll be back out! Connie, that is a gorgeous photo! Simply gorgeous!!! donna :)

  10. Your fog photo is awesome. I have enjoyed taking morning photos of it this week as well.

  11. Connie- What a beautiful foggy picture. I love it! AND I love your kitty, too! xo Diana

  12. The mornings have been glorious with the fog. Beautiful photo!

  13. Gorgeous morning mist photo!!!

  14. Beautiful photo! You should sell prints of it! Love the bright yellow forsythia and the mist off the pond... Lucky girl you! - Susan

  15. What a beautiful early morning view! Fabulous photo ... but the one of Alice on the windowsill is just so cute and charming - love it!
    I've been thinking of Preen-ing my perennial border, before the weeds germinate. I wish you luck, and me luck, too!

    We had a great time in Va but were only there a short time, with lots of family time and visits. Next time I'll let you know. We can meet at Suzanne's! We didn't get there, but it's a great favorite with my niece and her husband, who live in Doswell.

    Enjoy this wonderful spring!

  16. Gosh, Connie - the only thing missing from that first photo is a herd of horses running in the meadow. :) It's just beautiful!!! It looks ethereal! Rain arrived here last night and it was distinctly cooler today. But still above normal. We'll take it! :) I put my Preen on yesterday!

    xoxo laurie

  17. How wonderful is that forsythia!!! Love it.

    Thanks for sharing.


  18. Hi Connie, I love the photo. I'm wondering if that pond is in the field directly left of the barn? My uncle had a pond put in during his time there. Nice spring weather over here also!

  19. woow......the first picture is wonderful......really nice job :)
    and do not miss...




    Last week it was 110 nice Blogs
    It is FUN :)
    HÃ¥kan ( The Roseman)

  20. Happy Rainy Saturday Connie,

    Since it was going to rain all day, I spent my time in my booth painting my new paint display case.

    LOVE that morning photo...gorgeous!!

    Looking forward to some calm after next week and getting together with you...miss you, my friend.

    janet xox
    The Empty Nest

    Hugs to the critters!

  21. Gosh, that first pic is sooo beaUtiful!
    --I love your kitty!

  22. Connie, the early morning photo you captured is breathtaking. Early morning is my favorite time of the day.

    We are amazed at this early Spring. Our roses are budding!


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