
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Sunny Hartwood Morning

As I opened the front door and stepped out onto our front porch first thing in the morning (to feed and check on Kimba, our elderly outdoor cat), I realized that I should take a few photos to show you the view from there.  The sun was shining through the trees, illuminating the last of the fall color ... and fallen leaves litter our lawn, and driveway, and rose beds.  I have shown you the view from our back porch many times, but I don't think I have ever shown you the front.  

Our porch faces East. These photos show our front yard, from left to right ... and they would probably make a panorama if stitched together.

There are still a few roses in the Hybrid Tea Garden, and the dogwood tree still has a few of its burgundy leaves left.

The circular driveway in front of our house has four vehicles in it ... though there are only three of us who live here.  That big truck is supposed to be parked at the detached garage.

There's the magnolia tree.  I showed you its seed pods in a post last week.

That picnic table was here when we bought this place in 2002.  It's a great place to sit and enjoy the shade of our oak trees.

Lots of leaves ... and Jeeps.

That house is our closest neighbor ... and it's not really all that close.  I see the roses on the Rambler Fence (the dark fence on the right) are also losing their leaves.

I worked on the greenhouse again yesterday afternoon, but it was slow going.  All the up/down, squatting and bending, hammering/screwing/cutting/sanding, has made my legs and hands pretty sore.  If I weren't racing Old Man Winter like I am, I would take a few days to rest and work on other things.  This nice weather won't last forever, and I must do what I can to take advantage of it ... even working at a slower pace accomplishes something ... so more work is planned for my afternoon.

Here is where things stood as of yesterday evening.

The sheathing on the north wall is finished, and I have the first piece of trim installed underneath the center windows.  Today's goal ... get the bottom part of the south wall framed, and maybe some sheathing there, too.

It's a beautiful day!


  1. Those are some breathtaking views you have. And, the greenhouse just adds to the magnificence.

  2. You have a beautiful home and grounds. And I'm glad you are having a beautiful day. Ours is not so beautiful , dreary rain and we are going to have storms later acording to the weather man. But they say we need the rain so who am I to complain. Have a great day !

  3. Hi Connie,
    I am so impressed with your carpentry!! That Greenhouse is going to be (is already) beautiful!! I just spent a week getting my Bothy cleaned up and organized so I could work there and overwinter some plants.

    I hope to get all my windows installed and perhaps finished by spring. Would love to do it myself... so now I have to take up carpentry!!

    Drop by my blog & take a look.

  4. What a gorgeous view you have from all directions!

    You're really coming along quite nicely on the greenhouse. It's looking great! I know what you mean about the aches & pains after doing some physical labor! Lot's of hot baths for me which seems to help!

  5. Your view is lovely! I always enjoy this time of year and the colors. I hope you can get that darn greenhouse finished before old man winter arrives. hugs, Linda

  6. I love sunny days! We've been a little short of those lately. The greenhouse is getting more and more fabulous!

  7. Such beauty to wake up to each day.

    The greenhouse is coming along nicely. Won't be long until you have it completely enclosed and ready for the finishing touches. I still don't know how you do it!

  8. The Greenhouse is coming along beautifully. I featured you on my blog this past weekend. Diane

  9. Beautiful photos and that greenhouse is looking great. You must just have a big old smile plastered on every time you look at it! xo Diana

  10. I can remember that view very well, thanks for refreshing it!! I always enjoy your landscape portraits. Have you done any more work on the front porch?

  11. What a peaceful place! I could feel myself relaxing just looking at your views. Just wonderful. Now, about the greenhouse - since you'll be experienced in these matters when you finish, maybe next year you can come build me one! I'm so envious!

  12. I am enamored with your greenhouse. It is too hot here to even contemplate such a structure (even if I had the room), but I do want one anyway. Glad I found you!

  13. Woooo hoooo! You go, girl!!! You'll have that greenhouse done in no time! The photos of your property are breathtaking, Connie. It looks like something out of a magazine! :)

    xoxo laurie

  14. I can attest to the beauty of that view! And your greenhouse is amazing, I can't wait to see it...just a few more days!

    Kat :)


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