
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Six Weeks Old

Has it already been six weeks since our grandson Caleb was born?  That's impossible!

At this age, I swear he changes daily. 

Am I the only one who picks the camera back up to capture the crying ... then quickly scooped him out of his car seat to make it all better, of course.  (Gotta record all facets of the little guy's life, before they pass us by.)

After a diaper change and a bottle, all was right again in Caleb's world.

I hope everything is right in your world, too.  Today is our last day of nice weather for a while, so I will be back outside working on the greenhouse as soon as the morning warms up.


  1. He's PRECIOUS! Thanks for your sweet note about our remodel, you're an expert so it means all the more that you're following along and appreciating the progress!!!

    Aimee @

  2. Look at those baby blues! Isn't he just the cutest thing? We are anxiously waiting for a call that our new baby is on its way. It is a 100 mile drive so I am packed and ready to go! xo Diana

  3. Love the face when it's all screwy looking... *giggles*

    It's going to be another fabulous day outdoors. Wishing you much progress on the greenhouse!

  4. What a cutie pie! I love the little faces they make! Six weeks! It does fly by! hugs, Linda

  5. I think that when we get to the grandbaby stage, we have realized just how precious God's gifts to us are and how quickly life passes by! I, too, take loads of pics of my grandbabies and download all the pictures that my kids take of them.

    He's a cutie!

  6. Precious!!!! Have fun in the greenhouse! Enjoy the sunshine! D

  7. They DO change daily, especially in the beginning and they grow SO fast. My youngest one just turned 7 months and I can't believe it. Where does the time go???

  8. Looks like a little doll!

  9. Hi Connie, He is so adorable!!Grandkids are the best. No more little babies in our family..the youngest grandchild is five now.


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