
Friday, October 14, 2011

Hollywood Cemetery in the Pink, and Yellow, and White

If you enjoyed yesterday's photos of the red roses in Hollywood Cemetery, sit back and get comfortable for today's edition ... featuring some drop-dead gorgeous roses in soft shades of pink, yellow, and white.

This is 'Duchesse de Brabant', a medium-sized pink Tea rose in the Armstead plot that overlooks the James River.  I know of at least two other places in the cemetery where this rose grows, but the one in this plot looked the nicest on the day I was there.

I have been told that Duchesse de Brabant's flowers fragrance is fruity ... but I can't smell it.

Let's look at 'Madame Joseph Schwartz', in the Snead plot. 

This rose is a sport (mutation) of Duchesse de Brabant ... identical in every way except for the color of the flowers, which begin as blush colored buds and finish as soft white flowers.

At one of the intersections in the cemetery, in the Howe plot, is a Tea rose that I love.  I have no idea which one it is, but this doesn't dimish its appeal one bit.

This bush is taller than I am, by quite a bit.

Tea roses like this begin as graceful buds, look a bit like florist roses when they are opening, and they finish in a delightful riot of petals.  These flowers are more than four inches across!

While we are on the subject of Tea roses, let's look at Safrano.  There are many plants of Safrano in Hollywood Cemetery, and it's weird to walk through there, spot a rose in the distance and think, "Oh, nevermind, it's just another Safrano", as if Safrano is less of a rose because of it.  If I were anywhere else, I would be thrilled to see such great examples of this rose. 

Safrano has the most beautiful, graceful buds!  Look at this soft apricot color, accented by the darker petal reverse.

'Isabella Sprunt' is a sport of 'Safrano', with flowers that are soft lemon yellow instead of apricot.

Look at all the beautiful red new growth!

I stood quietly, watching the bees at work in the open blossoms.

The Noisette roses I saw were putting on a spectacular show!  This one, one of a pair in this plot that look like 'Champneys' Pink Cluster', was full of open flowers and hundreds of buds, and it smelled heavenly.

Here is another Noisette.  This one looks a lot like my "Natchitoches Noisette", a found rose that was discovered in a cemetery in Louisiana.

Finally, here is a beautiful white rose, and I have no idea which one it could be.  The shrub form and the flowers (and the blackspot) suggest Hybrid Tea, but this is only an educated guess.  It doesn't matter what this beauty's true identity may be ... it's still gorgeous.

Shaded pink buds, creamy white flowers ... I wonder what it is?

In the final installment of my series of posts on this week's visit to Hollywood Cemetery, I will show you some things that are not quite as beautiful and peaceful.  It's the 'circle of life' in action, which applies to the Cemetery or to our own gardens, and there are things that happen that we must all accept and deal with. 

I will be back on Sunday, because I have to be up and out before the sun rises tomorrow.  If you're local and want to come visit, you can find me at the Hanover County Master Gardeners' Plant Sale in Ashland from 8am to noon.

(This post is partying with Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday.  It's appropriate, don't you think?)


  1. Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for the wonderful tour... :)

  2. I so enjoyed this post. I was reading a book on noisettes last night, and I love seeing these pictures of them, and especially the bush shots. What a wonderful experience it must be to stroll around and be delighted by the blooming roses, and their scents!

  3. As your photos of each Rose comes up I think, Oh this is my favorite and then the next one, Oh no, this is my favorite. They are all so lovely and so beautiful, how would I choose. Thanks for sharing these with your wonderful photography skills!

  4. I can't help wondering who, if anyone, cares for the roses? Do they just grow, untended, or do the groundskeepers, or family members see to them? They sure are lovely!

  5. Beautiful photos!

    Do you know if these roses were planted by family members or by the cemetery?

  6. All beautiful photos and the roses are just exquisite. Where ever there is a rose there is beauty! Happy Pink Saturday. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  7. Thank you for your posts on roses. They are so beautiful and have fostered a "need" for some of them. Next spring I must find a place for some of these beauties.

  8. Magnificent roses! I enjoy visiting cemeteries - they are so peaceful and some of the statuary and flowers one finds there is stunning (as you've shown with your photos!) I'm also an animal lover, so I enjoyed seeing the photos of your beautiful pets. Following you now! Hugs,

  9. Such perfect roses, absolutely wonderful to see them. Thanks so much for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday and a hug from the UK!

  10. Oh for heaven's sake could these pictures be any more gorgeous?! Thank you for posting these...I just adore your to check out the next installment!


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