
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

White Roses on Wednesday

I am overwhelmed with garden work and wedding preparations lately.  Instead of applying myself to my never-ending To Do list, I find myself wandering in the garden with my camera in hand, to see what new things I can find to photograph.  Yesterday, the white roses were especially beautiful.

This is Alba Meideland, a climber with huge clusters of small white flowers and bulletproof foliage.

Madame Plantier is one of my best white roses.  She blooms once in late spring ... but WHAT a bloom she has!

Glenn Dale is a graceful rambler with these beautiful, delicate flowers.  It is exceptionally rare, and I am thrilled to have it in the garden here.

White Pet is another superstar.  It's a compact bush with dark green foliage, and it's preparing to burst  with hundreds of buds in upright clusters.

Puerto Rico is a rose that doesn't mind hot summers.

I was in the greenhouse when I took this photo of a flower on Little Eskimo.

Here's a second shot, with a pencil eraser for perspective, to show you just now tiny this flower is.  Man, I love miniatures!!

With the current state of part of some of my gardens, a post about white flowers wouldn't be complete without a view of one of the weeds that's putting on a show right now.  I don't know its name, but it sure is photogenic.

This morning will be spent in the greenhouse, planting a ton of cuttings that have arrived in the mail in the past few days.  After I finish with this, I have a list of wedding details to attend to.

I hope your day is a pleasant one!

I'm going to share this post with the folks at Faded Charm for this week's White Wednesday.


  1. I wish I knew the name of the weed. Here they plant it intentionally. I think that preparing yourself for the wedding with a cup of coffee and a camera is perfect.

  2. Madame Plantier is gorgeous!
    Your weed looks a lot like my chamomile.

  3. Lovely...those roses are amazing. White does not get enough credit in the garden for its subtle beauty.

  4. Oh I am such a lover of white roses and those tiny little white ones are just adorable. I had to giggle with your comment about avoiding your to-do-list, taking pics instead. My hubby came home yesterday to find a pile of laundry, dirty dishes and me out in the yard taking pic's, I can't seem to stick to any sort of to-do-list either. Thanks for sharing these beautiful it!!

  5. Will you be using your roses for bridal flowers and bouquets? Please don't tell me you are buying them, I think I'd be crushed.

  6. Your white roses are as lovely as any in your garden! I am looking at the Cafe Ole minature...does it do well in the heat of the south? That wedding will be here soon!

  7. Your white roses are just beautiful. That little miniature bloom was a surprise! I know what you mean when you have things to do, but instead just walk around with a camera. It's mental health for us gardeners! Good luck with all the wedding plans!

  8. Conny, I love white roses so naturally I enjoyed your post very much. I have 'Pink Pet' but maybe I should trying out 'White Pet', too. Yours is so pretty! Good luck with the wedding preparations!

  9. What elegance Glenn Dale possesses! Absolutely stunning.
    Thanks for sharing.

  10. White roses always make me say wedding roses. :))

  11. Oh, those white roses are real beauties!


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