
Friday, May 27, 2011

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mockingbird,

Your overly-protective style of parenting is completely unnecessary.  Before your babies hatched, you would sit on your wire and hiss and squawk at me ... warning me to stay away.  I was okay with that.


After the babies hatched, your defense methods took on a much more menacing tone.  This is my yard and I don't appreciate having birds dive at my head.  I was only working in my rose bed.  I know it's your babies' bed, too, but I wasn't anywhere near the bush where they were sleeping.


As your babies have grown, so has your defensive attitude.  At first, I couldn't get near the flowerbed where the nest was.  Then, you took possession of that whole corner of the front yard ... hovering over my head and warning me of imminent blindness if I didn't back off.  At least I have a second or two every couple of days to snap baby pictures while you two are off hunting bugs.


Now that you have taken complete possession of most of the north half of the front yard, I must ask that you cease and desist.  It has gotten to the point where our whole family must endure your Shock and Awe tactics whenever we go over to a car that is parked on that side of the driveway.  Flying at our daughter the way you did yesterday, when her only crime was coming out the front door, was beyond the call of duty.


Because of your psycho protectiveness, and for the safety of visitors during tomorrow's Open Garden event, I am going to have to rope off a large portion of the front garden.  Hopefully, you will allow us to enjoy the roses from a distance.

Your Landlord