
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Day

Our area was hit by a weird storm yesterday.  We had cold rain for most of the day, sleet in the afternoon, and heavy snow in the evening.  There is about 4 inches of snow on the ground now.  

The news yesterday and this morning is full of stories of people trapped in traffic trying to get home as the weather made the roads more and more impassable. 

We were prepared for a day stuck at home today ... it's not really "stuck", though, because all of my favorite things and favorite people are here with me.

I made vegetable soup for dinner last night.  Snow days always make me hungry for something that stews in a pot on the stove ... and homemade soup always tastes better the next day as leftovers for lunch.

I went to Lowes yesterday afternoon before the snow started falling, and I now have all my supplies to finish tiling the backsplash in the kitchen, so I can hopefully cross this project off my every-growing To Do list.

Thank you for all of your lovely sentiments and well wishes for my daughter and her wedding.  As I told many of you via email, we are VERY EXCITED about this!  (If you didn't receive an email reply, it's because the only email address I have for you is  Please consider making your email visible ... I'll help you with it, if you want.)


  1. We had rain in the early morning followed by sleet and then around noon it started to snow for about three hours... only had about 2 inches of accumulation of snow though... It was a weird storm indeed!

    Lovely photos of your trees!!

  2. lovely photos...our rain started early and we have 2" of fresh snow. So happy that we didn't get more!
    Take care!

  3. Connie!
    I am deeee-lighted to meet you!
    Your roses are amazing ... I love your house stories ... and we have something in common: engaged daughters getting married in June!

    My daughter Alida and her boyfriend Josh got engaged on January 5th when she returned to California from Christmas in New Jersey. "Lovely!" said I. "Do you have a date?"

    And I nearly passed out when she said, "This summer, hopefully JUNE."

    Tell you what Connie -- leave the tents and tables in place, and we'll truck down to Virginia the week after YOUR daughter's wedding, and just borrow your setting, because it is beyond gorgeous!

    I wish we had the space to do the wedding here, but 3/4 of an acre, with much of it on a slope, just doesn't work.

    And with a setting like yours, with those intoxicating roses, you could serve your guests peanut butter sandwiches (with Virginia peanuts of course!) and have a washtub band and it would still be a fabulous wedding.

    Congratulations to the groom, best wishes to the bride, and nerves of steel to the Mom!

    Is your daughter nearby? I'm planning Alida's with her 3000 miles away.

    Best wishes from LOADS of snow!

  4. Hi Connie, The pictures of the snow are beautiful. We only got about an inch here yesterday. I am so ready for Spring.
    ps: What is the name of the architectural salvage place you told me about?

  5. Hi Connie! I adore your snowy tree photos!!! If I weren't such a slug lately, I would get some photos around here, we have had so much snow this year. I hear you've got more coming your way. Heat up the soup and hunker down! Congrats on the wedding news!

  6. Connie, I know everyone is tired of the snow, but your photos are gorgeous! Love how when it snows it makes photos almost black and white. I am so excited for you and can't wait to hear more about the wedding preparations! I'm counting the days until my grandbaby gets here...April!! Yippee!

  7. We've got about three feet of snow here - it's crazyness!...your photos are lovely though - I love trees in all forms and seasons.

  8. Great snow shots and what a good day to finish tiling. Can't wait to see it. Congrats on the wedding announcement. Both my kids got married in the same year.

  9. The storm was absolutely wacky! It took our daughter 7 1/2 hours to go from Tyson's to her apartment!!! She was not a happy camper because her company should have let them out much sooner!

    Love your beautiful photos!

    Kat :)

  10. Your photography is gorgeous!! No snow in Richmond - just cold rain. Sunny and pleasant today. Hard to believe that just a short distance to the north there was such chaos!

  11. Your photos are some of the best I've seen of snow. You've captured the cold relentless of it perfectly.

    I'm so pleased for your daughter's news. Lucky her for having such a fabulous supply of flowers!!


  12. Your snow pictures are beautiful. I love the branches covered in snow. It is a far cry from your gorgeous roses you posted earlier. Glad that you are safe and warm.

  13. Hi Connie,
    I love the pictures of the snow on the trees! And congrat's on the wedding announcement too!

    Ron S.


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