
Monday, December 27, 2010

Sunday Snapshot ... Snow

It snowed off and on all day here in Hartwood yesterday.  We only have a couple of inches to show for it, probably because we were on the edge of this particular storm system, and the snow flakes themselves looked a lot like dust.

I snapped this photo as I was walking to the garage yesterday afternoon.

Today, the wind is howling.  I plan to stay inside, unless the sun comes out and warms the greenhouse enough for me to go work out there.  Spending time tending plants in a sunny, warm greenhouse is my best defense against winter cabin fever.

Stay warm, Everyone.


  1. I hope you are staying warm. The sun came out today making the snow even more beautiful.

    Your tree in the previous post is simply gorgeous.


  2. I got a lovely package in the mail today that warmed my heart! Thanks and I've emailed you a question. Stan the greyhound is going to be very handsome and happy. Love your snow pictures and the thought of spending a cold day in a snuggy greenhouse sounds delightful! Ann

  3. Oh, you brought back some wonderful memories of my job at the landscape company a few years ago, Connie. How I LOVED working the greenhouses on cold, rainy days. The warm, earthy smell was heavenly to me. Glad you missed all that snow. We've been very lucky here in Michigan, too. Only a couple inches on the ground so far. :)

    xoxo laurie

  4. May your New Year be filled with many Blessings and abundances of Joy for 2011. From my mountain to yours, Until next year
    Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria

  5. You are lucky it just brushed you.

    I hope you had a merry Christmas and wish you a good new year.


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