
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Reminder for the Women Here

Just a quick note this evening to ask, "Is it time for your mammogram?"

If it is, what are you waiting for???  Mine was yesterday.  It was uncomfortable, and I hated almost every minute of it ... but I know it's essential and I toughed it out.  (The technician was fast and fabulous, but a certain measure of discomfort is just a part of the procedure.)  I even had a smile on my face afterward.  (Taking a page here from our dear Blue Ridge Gal's playbook, and doing mirror shots in odd places.  Say Cheese!)


  1. I just received the letter from the mammo dept at our hospital this week telling me I am due, so will be calling them this week to make my annual appt. It's so important all we ladies do this every year! Thanks for this post!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Had mine a few weeks ago. All clear (have been through some surgical biopsies in the past). The new digital images, combined with ultrasounds, and an exam by my surgeon are all part of every exam for me. It takes several hours for me, but worth it.

    Thanks for reminding others!

  4. I am way overdue...thanks for the reminder!!! Love the picture btw!

    Kat :)

  5. Love the picture! I had mine this year so I am good!

  6. Wow! You are brave to take a picture while having the test! I'm way overdue for one, so I will call my doc and make an appointment. Thanks so much for reminding us!

  7. I am past due by a couple of weeks. I have to find a new gyn first for my yearly pap to get the order for the mamo. So much to do in 2011.

  8. Due in February! The girl who does mine is's over before you know it.

  9. I decided to finish out 2010 with a bang. New GP, new GYN, blood tests, xrays ... next on the agenda: dermatologist.

    I'm a big medical procrastinator. A mammogram isn't all that bad. Like Teresa said, it's over before you know it, and then you're good for another year.

    There was just something about the blue, unflattering light in the exam room, combined with the flattering dull pink of the gown, that made me want to have my portrait taken. (not!)

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love your blog and the pictures of all your furchildren! I think it is great that you posted a reminder about mammograms!

  11. You are a smart woman,Connie Hilker.

  12. Thank you for your gift of the reminder today, Connie. :) You just may have saved alot of gals lives! :) You're a gem!

    xoxo laurie

  13. What a great reminder. My letter came last week. Not one of my favorite procedures, but a really necessary one.

  14. Please don't put it off. My mom went yearly, and was able to find her cancer while it was in stage zero. She had surgery and radiation, but was able to avoid chemo. Now I go every year. It's important because they track changes in the breasts from year to year to see if anything is going on. Last year I went and was called back. They found something, but with a more firm mammogram (UGH!) and a sonogram, they were able to determine that it wasn't anything bad. WHEW!!! But now they have it marked, so next this year, I didn't have to go back.


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